10-40-490 Obstruction of bridges by vessels.
   All vessels, craft, or floats navigating the harbor, when passing any bridge shall be moved past the same as expeditiously as is consistent with a proper movement in the harbor; but in no case shall any such vessel, craft, or float while passing any bridge and obstructing the passage across such bridge, move at a rate of speed less than two miles per hour, and in no case shall any vessel, craft, or float, while passing any bridge and obstructing the same, remain or obstruct the passage across such bridge more than five minutes; and no vessel, craft, or float shall be so anchored, laid, moored, fastened or brought to a stop as to prevent any bridge from a free and speedy opening or closing, or any vessel from a free and direct passage, nor shall any line or fastening be so thrown, laid, or made fast as to cross the track of any bridge or vessel. The master or other person having charge of such vessel, craft, or float which violates any provision of this section shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 38-51; Amend Coun. J. 11-24-20, p. 24619, Art. III, § 1)
10-40-500 Fireboats.
   Whenever, upon any alarm of fire, any fireboat shall approach a bridge and sound the proper signal for such bridge to open, the bridge tender shall, if such bridge is closed, open the same as soon as practicable; or, if open, shall keep such bridge open until such fireboat shall have had opportunity to pass through the draw of said bridge notwithstanding that the street traffic may thereby be delayed.
(Prior code § 38-52)
10-40-501 Removal or disabling of life preservers prohibited.
   No person shall remove or disable any life preserver, life ring, personal flotation device or other safety equipment located on any bridge or in any place where such safety equipment is required by law, except for use in an emergency. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $300.00 and not more than $800.00.
(Added Coun. J. 7-29-98, p. 75096; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06. p. 85195, § 1)
10-40-510 Fire apparatus crossing bridges.
   Whenever, at any alarm of fire, any fire engine, hose cart, or other fire apparatus shall approach any bridge, for the purpose of crossing the same toward such fire, the bridge tender shall, if such bridge is open, close the same as soon as practicable, and after the same is closed, or if closed at the time, keep it closed until such engine, hose cart, or other fire apparatus shall have had an opportunity to pass over said bridge, notwithstanding that vessels may thereby be delayed.
(Prior code § 38-53)
10-40-520 Rule of the road.
   It shall be the duty of all drivers or persons in charge of any vehicle to keep to the right when crossing any bridge in the city.
(Prior code § 38-54)
10-40-530 Breaking line of traffic on bridge.
   No person driving a vehicle across a bridge shall cross, attempt to cross, or break into, the line of vehicles while crossing or attempting to cross any bridge, nor shall any person disobey or resist any officer in charge of any bridge or crossing within the city.
(Prior code § 38-55)
10-40-540 Unnecessary delay on bridge.
   No person shall unnecessarily or wilfully remain or stop with any vehicle upon any of the bridges within the city, or in and upon any approach to any such bridge.
(Prior code § 38-56)
10-40-550 Obstruction of traffic over bridge – Prohibited.
   No person shall engage in any conduct which obstructs or interferes with the free flow of pedestrians or vehicles across a bridge.
(Prior code § 38-57; Amend Coun. J. 7-26-06, p. 81941, § 1)
10-40-560 Congregation on bridges or viaducts.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to form or cause an accumulation of persons, animals or vehicles on any public bridge or viaduct, to any extent which may jeopardize the safety of such bridge or viaduct. No person shall persist in causing such accumulation, after being warned by a bridge tender, police officer or other person having supervision of such bridge or viaduct.
(Prior code § 38-58)