The public waters, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands and other lands which shall constitute and shall be known as harbor district No. 1, are hereby defined and particularly described as follows:
Harbor district No. 1 shall include all of the Chicago River, including the main stream from its mouth to the forks, and the north branch and the south branch to the city limits, including all the public waters and submerged lands within and under said river and its branches aforesaid, and said harbor district No. 1 shall also include all the territory, public waters, submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed and other lands lying and being within the following boundaries, to wit:
Beginning at the south side of the Chicago River at the northeast corner of the old breakwater of the old United States Government lifesaving station, said point being the point of confluence of the Chicago River with Lake Michigan, thence extending in an easterly direction parallel to the north side of E. Randolph Street extended, over the waters of Lake Michigan a distance of one mile; thence extending in a northerly direction along a line running at right angles to said north line of E. Randolph Street extended east to a point where said line intersects the north line of E. Chicago Avenue extended east; thence extending in a westerly direction along the north line of said E. Chicago Avenue extended east to the present shoreline of Lake Michigan; thence running southeasterly and southerly following said shoreline of Lake Michigan to the north line of E. Grand Avenue extended east to the shoreline of Lake Michigan; thence west along the north line of E. Grand Avenue extended east to the east line of N. Peshtigo Court as laid down and indicated on a plat of the Chicago Dock and Canal Company's Peshtigo dock addition in section ten, township thirty-nine north, range fourteen east of the third principal meridian in Cook County, Illinois, recorded September 17, 1889, in the recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, as document number 1157023 in Book 39 of plats, page 18; thence south along the east line of N. Peshtigo Court seventy- four feet, more or less, to the south line of E. Grand Avenue; thence east along the south line of E. Grand Avenue extended east nine hundred feet, more or less, to the west line of the east one hundred feet of lot seven in the Chicago Dock and Canal Company's Peshtigo dock addition; thence south along the west line of the east one hundred feet of said lot seven, two hundred and eighteen feet, more or less, to the north line of E. Illinois Street extended east; thence west along the north line of E. Illinois Street extended east nine hundred feet, more or less, to the east line of N. Peshtigo Court; thence south along the east line of N. Peshtigo Court seventy-four feet, more or less, to the south line of E. Illinois Street; thence east along the south line of E. Illinois Street extended east nine hundred feet, more or less, to the west line of the east one hundred feet of said lot seven; thence south along the west line of the east one hundred feet of said lot seven one hundred and fifty-eight feet, more or less, to the north line of the Ogden or Michigan slip; thence east along the north line of the Ogden or Michigan slip to the wooden pier or breakwater at the southeast corner of said lot seven; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of said wooden pier or breakwater to the southwest corner of what is known as the United States Government north pier; thence in a southwesterly direction nine hundred seventy-four feet, more or less, on a straight line to the northeast corner of the old breakwater of the old United States Government lifesaving station, said last point being the place of beginning.
All of the aforesaid submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed lands and other lands and public waters in said harbor district No. 1 are situated within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the city and are by this section declared to be necessary and appropriate for the purposes enumerated in said act of the general assembly mentioned in Section 10-40-040.
(Prior code § 38-4)
The public waters and all public turning basins, canals and slips, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands which shall constitute and shall be known as harbor district No. 2, are hereby defined and particularly described as follows:
Harbor district No. 2 shall include all the territory, including the public waters and all public turning basins, canals, and slips, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands and other lands, lying and being within the following boundaries, to-wit:
Beginning on the south side of the Chicago River at a point that is 3019.28 feet east and 1436.35 feet north of the southwest corner of E. Randolph Street and N. Michigan Avenue, thence running in an easterly direction parallel to the south line of E. Randolph Street extended east, over the waters of Lake Michigan, a distance of one mile, thence at right angles running along a line in a southerly direction to the said south line of E. Randolph Street extended east, thence running in a westerly direction along the said south line of E. Randolph Street extended east, to the present shoreline or dock line of Lake Michigan, thence running in a northerly direction, but following the present dock lines of Lake Michigan, to the place of beginning.
All of the aforesaid public waters and all public turning basins, canals and slips, submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands in said harbor district No. 2 are situated within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the city, and are by this section declared to be necessary or appropriate for the uses and purposes enumerated in said act of the general assembly mentioned in Section 10-40-040.
(Prior code § 38-5)
The public waters, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands which shall constitute and shall be known as harbor district No. 3, are hereby defined and particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point which is on a line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline, extended east, of section twenty-two, township thirty- nine north, range fourteen, east of the third principal meridian, and thirty-two hundred and seventy-three and thirty-seven one-hundredths feet east of the westerly right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Railroad, thence southeasterly to a point fifty feet north of the centerline of E. Cermak Road extended easterly and twenty-seven hundred and thirty-two feet east of said westerly right- of-way line, thence southeasterly to a point six hundred and ninety feet north of a point which is on the centerline of E. Twenty-seventh Street extended easterly and twenty-three hundred and seventy feet east of the said westerly right-of-way line, thence southeasterly to a point seven hundred feet north of a point which is on the centerline, extended east, of E. Thirty-first Street and twenty-two hundred and forty feet east of said westerly right-of-way line, thence southeasterly on a line towards a point eight hundred and ninety feet north of a point which is on the centerline extended east of E. Thirty-fifth Street and twenty-one hundred and eighty- five feet east of said westerly right-of-way line to the south line extended east of E. Thirty-first Street, thence due east for a distance of fifty-two hundred and eighty feet, thence due north to the line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline extended easterly of section twenty-two, township thirty-nine north, range fourteen, east of the third principal meridian, thence west along the line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline extended easterly of section twenty- two, township thirty-nine, range fourteen east, to the point of beginning.
In the event that the city, pursuant to clause (c) of Section 6 of the ordinance passed July 21, 1919, under which harbor district No. 3 was created, shall elect to fill in and reclaim that part of the submerged lands lying between the eastern and western boundaries of the lands described in Schedule IV of said last-mentioned ordinance and between the north and south lines of said harbor district area, respectively extended west, and to declare the same to be a part of harbor district No. 3, the said harbor district area described in this section shall be then considered to extend westward over the land so reclaimed by the city, between the north and south lines of harbor district No. 3, respectively, extended west.
All of the aforesaid public waters, submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands and public waters in said harbor district No. 3 are situated within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the city and are by this section declared to be necessary and appropriate for the purposes enumerated in said act of the general assembly mentioned in Section 10-40-040.
(Prior code § 38-6)
The public waters, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands which shall constitute and shall be known as harbor district No. 4, are hereby defined and particularly described as follows:
Harbor district No. 4 shall include all of the Calumet River lying within the city, all of Lake Calumet, including all the waters, submerged lands, and artificially made or reclaimed lands within or bordering upon said lake and river, the channel or connection between said Calumet River and Lake Calumet, and all public turning basins, canals and slips connected with or forming a part of said Calumet River and Lake Calumet. All of the aforesaid submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed lands and other lands and public waters in said harbor district No. 4 are situated within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the city, and are by this section declared to be necessary and appropriate for the uses and purposes enumerated in said act of the general assembly mentioned in Section 10-40-040.
(Prior code § 38-7)
The commissioner of transportation shall give such orders and directions relative to the location, change of place or station, manner of moving or use of the harbor of or by every vessel, craft, or float lying, moving or laid up in the harbor, as may be necessary to promote good order therein and the safety and equal convenience of such vessels, craft, or floats, and to so regulate the same that the current in the Chicago River shall not be unnecessarily impeded by said vessels, craft, or floats.
He shall have power to remove any vessel, craft, or float lying at any dock, wharf, or pier, while receiving or discharging cargo or otherwise engaged, when necessary so to do to facilitate the movement of traffic in the harbor; to tie up any vessel so deeply loaded as to interrupt the traffic at the bridges or in the harbor until such a time as the vessel shall have been lightened or a rise of water in the harbor may enable it to proceed; and, to stop at any time or place vessels, craft, or floats which are passing through the harbor, so as to prevent a jam or blockade.
(Prior code § 38-13; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10832)
No person shall rent a vessel within the harbor, or provide fishing, entertainment or passenger services on a vessel within the harbor, for monetary or other consideration, without first: (1) obtaining commercial general liability insurance, issued by an insurer authorized to insure in Illinois, with limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage or in an amount and form approved by the risk manager in the department of finance; and (2) filing with the commissioner of transportation proof of the required insurance. In addition to the requirements stated above, and apart from and separate from any insurance requirement under this section, any person providing any of the services above-mentioned shall indemnify, defend and hold the City of Chicago and its assignees and employees harmless from all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands and expenses arising out of the person's use of the harbor, rental of vessels and providing of services described in this section. The risk manager shall not approve any form of insurance under this section unless: (1) the City of Chicago is named as additional insured on a primary, noncontributory basis for any liability or claim arising directly or indirectly from the person's use of the harbor, rental of vessels and providing of services described in this section; and (2) the policy of insurance requires at least 30 days' prior notice of cancellation to every insured.
(Added Coun. J. 12-10-97, p. 59008; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. VI, § 42; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. II, § 41)