No person shall tow in the harbor, any vessel, craft or float containing material destined to be disposed of in the authorized dumping areas, without a permit from the department of transportation. The fee for each permit shall be $16.00 per day and the day shall consist of eight hours.
(Prior code § 38-20; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10832)
It shall be unlawful for any vessel, craft or float to tow more than two barges or similar craft in one tow within the harbor, except that tows which consist of barges that are fastened rigidly together to form a single unit for the purpose of being towed may be towed in the main sanitary and ship canal and the west fork of the south branch of the Chicago River to and including the South Ashland Avenue turning basin; in the Little Calumet and Calumet Rivers to and including turning basin number five at 129th Street; and in Chicago and Calumet Outer Harbors; provided that the total width and length of such tows do not exceed 80 and 500 feet respectively.
(Prior code § 38-21)
No owner, master, or other person in charge of or in command of any tugboat or towing boat in the harbor shall run, or cause to be run, such tugboat or towing boat, or anything that they may have in tow, upon, against, or over any rope, chain, or other fastening, mooring, dredge or other machine used by the city, or the United States Government, for deepening, widening, and improving the harbor, so that the said dredge or other machine shall be displaced, hindered, or delayed in the working thereof.
(Prior code § 38-22)
If any vessel, craft, or float, either by winding or from any other cause, shall get foul and obstruct the navigation or passage of other vessels, craft, or floats, the commissioner of transportation shall have power and is hereby authorized to order to his assistance men and tackle from any other vessel, craft, or float. The commissioner of transportation shall have power and is hereby authorized to order to his assistance any tugboat or other powerboat that may be in the vicinity or passing at the time. Every master or officer of such boat, craft, or tug shall render the assistance so ordered, and any vessel, craft, or float receiving such assistance shall pay to the person or persons rendering the same the cost or expense of such assistance, the amount thereof to be fixed by the commissioner of transportation.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $50.00 for the first offense, and not more than $75.00 for each subsequent offense.
(Prior code § 38-23; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10832)
All vessels, craft, or float while navigating the harbor shall not drag their anchors, nor shall any tugboat or towboat tow any vessel, craft, or float in the harbor whose anchor is dragging. The master, owner, or person in control of any vessel operated in violation of this section shall be fined not less than $500.00 nor more than $1,000.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 38-24; Amend Coun. J. 11-24-20, p. 24619, Art. III, § 1)
Whenever any person having charge of any vessel, craft, or float shall wish to move it past any bridge, reasonable time shall be allowed for the opening of the bridge, and any person who shall move any vessel, craft, or float against any bridge before it shall be opened and shall injure the bridge shall be liable to the city for that injury in addition to any fine which may be levied.
(Prior code § 38-25)
It shall be unlawful for any master, owner, or person in possession, charge, or control of any vessel, craft, or float to operate, navigate, keep, or maintain the same in the harbor unless the same shall have a name plainly and conspicuously displayed thereon which shall be large enough and in such a position as to be readily distinguishable and readable on both sides or from the rear thereof for a distance of at least 500 feet, and such name shall be of such distinctive character that any such vessel, craft, or float may be readily identified by it.
Any person violating this section shall be fined $100.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 38-26; Amend Coun. J. 11-24-20, p. 24619, Art. III, § 1)
No steam vessel or other power craft while lying in the harbor or along the wharves or docks of the same shall work its engines; provided, that owners, masters, or other persons in charge of boats fitting out and desirous of working and testing their engines shall, before working or testing any such engine, station some person in such a place or position as will enable him to signal the engineer to stop such engine. Such engine shall be kept from working until all approaching vessels, craft, or floats shall have passed the wheel of said boat or boats by a distance of 200 feet. These provisions shall not apply to cases of fire.
(Prior code § 38-27)
It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke, carry or possess a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or match upon any bulkhead, dock, shipyard, pier, wharf, warehouse or shed, except such portions thereof as may be designated by the harbormaster, or to smoke, carry or possess a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or match on board any ship, lighter, scow, or other similar floating craft or equipment when berthed or moored at any dock, wharf, pier, or to a vessel made fast thereto, within the harbor.
(Prior code § 38-27.1)