No person shall expose for sale, sell or offer for sale to any person, whether directly or indirectly, any cigarette containing opium, morphine, jimsonweed, belladonna, strychnia, cocaine or any other deleterious or poisonous drug other than nicotine.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5)
(a) No person shall give away, barter, exchange, distribute or in any way dispense free of charge or at nominal cost any tobacco product or tobacco product sample on any public street, alley or sidewalk, or in any public park, public ground or playground, or in any building or other area open to the public.
(b) No person shall give away, barter, exchange, distribute or in any way dispense on any public street, alley or sidewalk, or in any public park, public ground or playground, or in any building or other area open to the public any coupon or other price reduction instrument for any free or nominally priced tobacco product or tobacco product sample. This subsection (b) shall not apply to coupons or price reduction instruments included in newspapers, magazines or other publications or received by a person through the mail or on-line.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 4-18-18, p. 76348, § 8)
No person shall sell, give away, barter, exchange or otherwise furnish any tobacco product or tobacco accessories at retail or otherwise to any individual under 21 years of age.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 4-18-18, p. 76348, § 9)
(a) No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter, or expose for sale any tobacco product except in its original factory-wrapped package. This prohibition shall not apply to large cigars with a retail price of at least $3.00 each or to pipe tobacco.
(b) No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter, or expose for sale any cigarette in a package containing fewer than 20 cigarettes.
(c) Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(d) The Commissioner of Health, with the approval of the Comptroller, shall amend by rule the minimum retail price of exempted large cigars in an amount proportional to the change, if any, in the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers for the Chicago metropolitan area, or some other comparable index selected by the Commissioner of Health in his reasonable discretion if this index no longer exists. If the Commissioner amends the minimum retail price of exempted large cigars, the amended price shall not go into effect until 90 days after it is announced via rule duly promulgated by the Department of Health. Any such amendment shall be rounded to the nearest dime.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-18, p. 88803, § 11)
(a) No person shall sell, give away, barter, exchange or otherwise furnish to any other person a bidi cigarette, as defined in Section 4-64-100.
(b) No person shall sell, give away, barter, exchange or otherwise furnish to any other person any cigarette wrapping paper or wrapping leaf, regardless of whether such wrapping paper or wrapping leaf contains nicotine, that is, or is held out to be, impregnated or scented with, or aged or dipped in, alcoholic liquor, chocolate, any fruit flavoring, vanilla or honey, in any combination.
(c) No person shall sell, give away, barter, exchange or otherwise furnish to any other person any flavored liquid nicotine product.
(d) Any person who violates this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 9-9-20, p. 20071, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. IX, § 3)
(a) Warning required. Any person who sells, gives away or distributes tobacco products or tobacco accessories shall display a printed card, which shall include the following warning:
It Is A Violation Of The Law For Cigarettes Or Other Tobacco Products Or Tobacco Accessories To Be Sold To Any Person Under The Age Of 21. Any Person Who Violates This Law Is Subject To A Fine And Possible Imprisonment.
(b) Size and typeface of warning. The printed card required under subsection (a) of this section shall be at least eight inches by eleven inches in size. The text of the card shall be printed in red letters on a white background. Each letter shall be at least one inch high. The word "warning" shall be in a print of 84-point height and Helvetica type. The remainder of the text shall be in a print of 24-point height and in Helvetica medium-face, Futura medium-face or Universe 65 type.
(c) Posting required. The printed card required under subsection (a) of this section shall be posted, at all times when the establishment is open, at each location at which tobacco products or tobacco accessories are sold or displayed, and in a manner such that the card is clearly visible from each location where such sales or displays occur.
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. IV, § 5)