2-80-050 Commission – Powers and duties.
   The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (a)   Respond to public safety-related community needs and concerns through means including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Engaging in community outreach to obtain the perspectives of community members and Department employees on police-community relations, Department policies and practices, and the police accountability system;
      (2)   Maintaining connections with representatives of disenfranchised communities and with other community groups throughout the City; and
      (3)   Providing the Department, Police Board, COPA, and Public Safety Inspector General with community feedback relevant to their operations received as a result of the Commission's public outreach activities;
   (b)   Oversee the District Councils and delegate powers and duties to the District Councils at its discretion and consistent with applicable law;
   (c)   Publish reports as required by this Chapter, and report to the public about matters related to policing that concern all Chicago communities;
   (d)   Have access to information, documents, data, and records in order to carry out the Commission's powers and duties, as provided in Section 2-80-120;
   (e)   Assess performance of and set goals for the Superintendent, Chief Administrator, and Police Board President;
   (f)   Recommend to the Public Safety Inspector General to conduct research or audits on specific topics or issues, including emergent issues that, in the Commission's judgment, are needed to support public confidence in the Department and related criminal justice practices. If the Commission issues such a recommendation in writing, the Public Safety Inspector General shall respond in writing within ten business days;
   (g)   Review and provide input to the Chief Administrator, Public Safety Inspector General, Superintendent, Police Board, and other City departments and offices, including the Mayor, City Council Committee on Police and Fire, or its successor committee, and Corporation Counsel on the police accountability system, police services, and Department policies and practices of significance to the public;
   (h)   Collaborate with the Department, COPA, and the Police Board in the development of new or amended Policy, as provided in Section 2-80-110;
   (i)   Draft, review, and approve by majority vote any proposed new or amended Policy, as provided in Section 2-80-110;
   (j)   By majority vote and subject to applicable law and reasonable scheduling accommodation, require the attendance of the Superintendent, the Public Safety Inspector General, the Chief Administrator, and the President of the Police Board, or their designees, at any regular or special meeting of the Commission in order to provide updates on matters as requested by the Commission, and to answer questions from the Commission and hear public comments;
   (k)   In the event of a vacancy, interview, assess the qualifications of, and recommend to the Mayor candidates having appropriate qualifications for the positions of Superintendent and Police Board member, as provided in Section 2-80-080;
   (l)   Introduce and by two-thirds majority vote adopt a resolution of no confidence in the Superintendent or a Police Board member, as provided in Section 2-80-090;
   (m)   Appoint the Chief Administrator with the advice and consent of the City Council, as provided in Section 2-80-080;
   (n)   Remove the Chief Administrator, as provided in Section 2-80-090;
   (o)   Before a City Council vote on the annual budget, review and, if warranted, recommend changes to the proposed Department budget appropriation;
   (p)   Identify and recommend to the City Council ways to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the use of public safety resources;
   (q)   Identify and recommend to the City Council ways to ensure that Department resources are used appropriately, taking into account issues that other professionals could adequately address;
   (r)   Identify and recommend to the City Council preventative, proactive, community-based, and evidence-based solutions to violence;
   (s)   Within 60 days after Commission members take office, appoint a Noncitizen Advisory Council, which shall include Chicago residents who are not United States citizens and Chicago residents who are undocumented, and may include people who work on behalf of Chicago residents who are not United States citizens; the Noncitizen Advisory Council shall advise the Commission to ensure that the perspectives and experiences of Chicago residents who are not United States citizens are reflected and incorporated in the Commission's work;
   (t)   Collaborate with the Department regarding the CAPS program and other existing or future Department-led community policing programs;
   (u)   Create operational policies and procedures for the Commission; and
   (v)   Monitor the Department's compliance with its policies.
(Added Coun. J. 7-21-21, p. 33219, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 7-19-23, p. 1768, § 3)