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Every window, exterior door, and basement hatchway shall be substantially tight, and shall be kept in sound condition and repair, and
(a) Every window shall be fully supplied with window panes which are without open cracks or holes.
(b) Every window sash shall be in good condition and fit reasonably tight within its frame.
(c) Every window, other than a fixed window, shall be capable of being easily opened and shall be held in position by window hardware.
(d) Every exterior door, door hinge, and door hatch shall be in good condition.
(e) Every exterior door, when closed, shall fit reasonably well within its frame.
(f) Every window, door, and frame shall be constructed and maintained in such relation to the adjacent wall construction as completely to exclude rain, and substantially to exclude wind from entering the dwelling.
(g) Every basement hatchway shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent the entrance of rodents, rain, and surface drainage water into the dwelling.
(h) Every door available as an exit as required by this chapter shall be capable of being opened from the inside, easily and without the use of a key.
(Prior code § 78-53)
Screens shall be supplied to the following extent:
(a) Every basement or cellar window which is openable shall be supplied with a heavy wire screen or hardware cloth of not less than four mesh per inch which fits tightly and is securely fastened to the frame, or with any other material affording equivalent protection against the entry of rodents.
(b) From April 15th to November 15th of each year, every door opening directly from any family unit to the outdoors and every window, or other outside openings used for ventilation purposes, shall be supplied with a screen of not less than 16 mesh per inch and every screen door shall have a self-closing device in good working condition. Except for existing screens, which shall not be removed without the written consent of the person entitled to possession of the unit, no screens shall be required for a family unit on a floor above the fourth floor, unless required by the department of buildings and fire department when unusual circumstances of insect prevalence exists.
(Prior code § 78-54; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 6-27-90, p. 17617)
Every stairway, inside or outside of the dwelling and every porch, shall be kept in safe condition and sound repair and:
(a) Every flight of stairs and every porch floor shall be free of holes, grooves, and cracks, which are large enough to constitute possible accidents hazards.
(b) Every stairwell and every flight of stairs, which is more than two risers high, shall have rails not less than two and one-half feet high, measured vertically from the nose of the tread to the top of the rail; and every porch which is more than two risers high shall have rails not less than three and one-half feet above the floor of the porch.
(c) Every rail and balustrade is firmly fastened and is maintained in good condition.
(d) No flight of stairs shall have settled more than one inch out of its intended position or have pulled away from supporting or adjacent structures.
(e) No flight of stairs shall have rotting, loose or deteriorating supports.
(f) The riser height and the tread width of each flight of stairs shall be uniform.
(g) Every stair tread shall be sound and be securely fastened in a substantially level position.
(h) Every stair tread shall be strong enough to bear a concentrated load of at least 400 pounds without danger of breaking.
(i) Every porch shall have a sound floor.
(j) No porch shall have rotting, loose or deteriorating supports.
(Prior code § 78-55)
Every basement and every cellar shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition, and:
(a) Water shall not be permitted to accumulate or stand on the floor.
(b) All sewer connections shall be properly trapped.
(c) All cellar and slab drains shall be covered with grating.
(d) Junk, rubbish, and waste shall not be permitted to accumulate to such an extent as to create fire hazards or to endanger health or safety.
(Prior code § 78-56)