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(a) If there is any doubt as to the structural stability of any building or structure, or parts thereof, the building commissioner may require the owner to have the building or structure, or parts thereof, to be examined by a licensed architect or registered structural engineer employed by the owner, agent or person in charge, possession or control of any such building, structure, or part thereof.
(b) The owner shall submit a report, in writing, prepared and signed by a licensed architect or registered structural engineer, showing the structural condition of the building, structure or part thereof. The content and format of the report shall comply with the rules and regulations, and two copies of the report shall be submitted to the building commissioner. The report shall not be considered filed until the report is determined to be acceptable by the building commissioner.
(c) The commissioner may issue rules and regulations for the administration and enforcement of this section.
(Prior code § 78-3; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 2)
For purposes of Sections 13-196-031 through 13-196-039, the following words and terms are defined as follows:
“Commissioner” shall mean the commissioner of buildings or his designee.
“Critical examination” shall mean a close-up visual examination of the condition of all elevations of the exterior walls and enclosures. All examinations shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a professional employed by the owner for the purpose of determining if remedial work is required.
“Critical examination report” shall mean a report prepared by a professional retained by the owner that sets forth the findings of a critical examination conducted by the professional. The report shall include: (i) recommendations by the professional for any necessary repairs or remedial work; (ii) a proposed schedule for completion of the necessary repairs or remedial work; and (iii) any other information requested by the commissioner that he deems relevant and reliable. The report shall be signed by and bear the seal of the professional and be in the format set forth in the rules and regulations.
“Exterior walls and enclosures” shall mean the exterior envelope of a building or structure, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to, balconies, fire escapes, chimneys, hanging air-conditioners, marquees, at grade canopies, signs, flagpoles, fire escapes, and window washing and exterior maintenance systems.
“Ongoing inspection and repair program shall mean a program for the periodic inspections of the exterior walls and enclosures of a building or structure by a professional retained by the owner and the completion of any recommended repairs or remedial work by the owner.
“Ongoing inspection and repair report” shall mean a report prepared by a professional retained by the owner that sets forth the findings of an inspection performed pursuant to the ongoing inspection and repair program. The report shall include: (i) a description of the condition of the building's exterior walls and enclosures, and any surveys, inspections or repair work performed; (ii) recommendations by the professional for any necessary repairs or remedial work; (iii) a proposed schedule for completion of the recommended repairs or remedial work; and (iv) any other information requested by the commissioner that he deems relevant and reliable. The report shall be signed by and bear the seal of the professional and be in the format set forth in the rules and regulations.
“Owner” shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term in Section 13-4-010 of this code.
“Professional” shall mean an Illinois licensed architect or Illinois licensed structural engineer.
(Added Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1, repealed former § 13-196-031, which pertained to definitions for the maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures.
Exterior walls and enclosures of buildings that are 80 feet or more in height above grade shall comply with Sections 13-196-033 to 13-196-037.
(Added Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1, repealed former § 13-196-032, which pertained to the application of code sections related to the maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures.
(a) The owner of every building 80 feet or more in height above grade shall, at intervals designated in rules and regulations:
(1) arrange for periodic critical examinations of the building; and
(2) submit the critical examination report to the commissioner.
(b) The initial critical examination report shall be submitted for all buildings constructed prior to January 1, 1950, by December 1, 2003, and on all buildings constructed on or after January 1, 1950, by December 1,2004. The initial critical examination report for buildings constructed after the effective date of this 2007 amendatory ordinance shall be submitted as designated in the rules and regulation.
(c) Following the initial critical examination, the building shall be subsequently critically examined, and the critical examination report submitted, at the intervals designated in the rules and regulations. Any building which cannot be categorized according to the information contained in a previously submitted critical examination report shall be required to supplement the report with a certification by a professional as to which category the building belongs.
(d) The owner shall perform the necessary repairs and remedial work set forth in the critical examination report. Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing any owner to make any repairs or perform any remedial work without the proper permits.
(Added Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1, repealed former § 13-196-033, which pertained to reports required for maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures.
(a) The owner of every building 80 feet or more in height above grade shall, at intervals designated in rules and regulations:
(1) establish an ongoing inspection and repair program for the years intervening the critical examinations of the building; and
(2) submit the ongoing inspection and repair program report to the commissioner.
(b) The owner shall perform the necessary repairs and remedial work set forth in the ongoing inspection and repair report. Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing any owner to make any repairs or perform any remedial work without the proper permits.
(Added Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1, repealed former § 13-196-034, which pertained to critical examination programs related to maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures.
(a) For every ongoing inspection and repair report, and for every critical examination report, the owner shall submit the report, accompanied by a filing fee, to the building commissioner.
(b) The commissioner shall make a determination whether a report submitted by the owner is acceptable or not acceptable. A report shall not be considered filed until the building commissioner makes a determination that the report is acceptable.
(c) For any report determined to be not acceptable, the owner shall: (1) submit a new report that addresses the deficiencies noted in the original report; and (2) pay a fee for reviewing the new report.
(d) The commissioner may, in rules and regulations, establish the amount of any fee and appropriate timeframes for the submission of any report, required by this section.
(Added Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 15852, § 1, repealed former § 13-196-035, which pertained to ongoing inspection and repair programs related to maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures.