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The provisions of these Sections 13-196-350 through and including 13-196-640 are applicable to occupancy for residential purposes of any building, whether or not such building was erected, altered or converted in full or substantial compliance with ordinances in force at the time of its erection, alteration, or conversion and whether or not such building was erected, altered or converted prior to the effective date of this Code. The requirements imposed by these sections shall be in addition to other applicable requirements for existing buildings imposed by other provisions of Chapter 13-196.
(Prior code § 78-32)
Every family unit except as provided in Section 13-196-380 shall contain within its walls, a room, separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy to a person and is equipped with a flush water closet.
(Prior code § 78-33)
Every family unit except as provided in Section 13-196-380 shall contain within its walls a lavatory basin located in the same room as the required water closet, or as near to that room as practicable.
(Prior code § 78-34)
Every family unit except as provided in Section 13-196-380 shall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy to a person in the room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower.
(Prior code § 78-35)
The occupants of not more than two-family units which are located in the same dwelling, may share a single flush water closet, a single lavatory basin, a single bathtub or shower if:
(a) The facilities to be shared are within a room or rooms on the same floor as the family units and are accessible to the occupants of each family unit without going through the family unit of another person or outside the dwelling; and
(b) Neither of the two-family units contains more than two habitable rooms nor more than 500 square feet of floor area, excluding of the number of rooms and from floor area any kitchen of less than 70 square feet of the floor area.
(Prior code § 78-36)
Every family unit shall have heating facilities which are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and water closet compartments within its walls to a temperature of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit, when the outside temperature is ten degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Gas appliances designed primarily for cooking or water heating purposes shall not be considered as heating facilities within the meaning of this section. Portable heating equipment employing flame and the use of gasoline as a fuel does not meet the requirements of this section and is prohibited. The owner may require that the occupant shall provide the required heating facilities at the occupant's expense but such agreement or requirement does not relieve the owner from responsibility for the presence of such heating equipment in the family unit.
(Prior code § 78-38)