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13-64-010 General requirements.
13-64-020 Special enclosures and separations.
13-64-022 Exterior wall standards.
13-64-030 Basement room areas – Outside air openings.
13-64-040 Minimum ventilation.
13-64-050 Ceiling heights.
13-64-060 Room arrangement.
13-64-070 Requirements for habitable basement rooms.
13-64-080 Private garages.
13-64-090 Stairways.
13-64-100 Permitted housing for elderly persons.
13-64-110 Desk clerk requirements.
13-64-120 Smoke alarms – Required in all residential units.
13-64-130 Smoke alarms – Location.
13-64-140 Smoke alarms – Stairwell installation.
13-64-141 Smoke detection system in lieu of smoke alarms.
13-64-150 Smoke alarms and smoke detectors – Standards.
13-64-151 Smoke alarms – Additional requirements.
13-64-160 Smoke alarms – Battery removal violation – Penalty.
13-64-170 Smoke detectors – Intermediate care facility for developmentally disabled – 15 or less.
13-64-180 Smoke alarms – Hotels and motels and bed-and-breakfast establishments to provide smoke detectors to serve hearing impaired patrons.
13-64-190 Carbon monoxide detectors – Required in residential units.
13-64-200 Carbon monoxide detectors – Exemptions.
13-64-210 Carbon monoxide detectors – Location.
13-64-220 Carbon monoxide detectors – Dwelling units heated by space heaters.
13-64-230 Carbon monoxide detectors – Standards – Rules.
13-64-240 Carbon monoxide detectors – Battery removal violation – Penalty.
13-64-250 Carbon monoxide detectors – Owner's and tenant's responsibilities.
13-64-260 Carbon monoxide detectors – Required in Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
13-64-270 Carbon monoxide detectors – Location; Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
13-64-280 Carbon monoxide detectors – Buildings heated by central fossil fuel powered heating unit.
13-64-290 Fossil fuel defined.
13-64-300 Penalties.
13-64-400 Business live/work units.
Every building or part of a building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for the purposes of a residential unit as defined in Section 13-56-020 shall comply with the special provisions of this chapter and also with the general provisions of this Code pertaining to buildings, including, but not limited to, the following:
Chapter 13-56 Classification of Buildings by Occupancy.
Section 13-56-230 Mixed occupancy.
Section 13-56-300 Occupancy content.
Chapter 13-60 Classification of Buildings by Construction Type.
Chapter 13-116 Fire Limits – Location Limitations.
Sections 13-116-040 and 13-116-050 Location on property.
Sections 13-116-080 to 13-116-130 Inclusive.
Limitations within fire limits.
Chapter 13-48 Height and Area Limitations.
Section 13-48-010 Height limitations.
Section 13-48-050 Area limitations.
Section 13-48-100 Mixed occupancy.
Chapter 15-8 Fire-Resistive Requirements.
Section 15-8-010 Fire walls.
Section 15-8-070 Exterior walls.
Section 15-8-120 Protection of stairs, shafts and vertical openings.
Section 15-8-190 Enclosure of heating plants and boiler rooms.
Section 15-8-240 Other enclosures and separations.
Section 15-8-250 Partitions.
Section 15-8-280 Exterior trim.
Section 15-8-330 Roof coverings.
Section 15-8-370 Interior walls and ceiling finish and trim.
Section 15-8-450 Flooring.
Section 15-8-510 Roof structures.
Section 15-8-570 Firestopping.
Chapter 18-28 Chimneys, Flues and Vents.
Chapter 15-16 Fire Protection Equipment.
Chapter 15-12 Fire-Resistive Materials and Construction.
Chapter 13-160 Exit Requirements.
Section 13-160-030 Types of exits.
Section 13-160-050 Minimum number of exits.
Section 13-160-060 Arrangement and location of exits.
Section 13-160-110 Travel distance to exits.
Section 13-160-170 Width of exits.
Section 13-160-230 Outside exits.
Section 13-160-240 Doors.
Section 13-160-290 Stairways.
Section 13-160-360 Smokeproof towers.
Section 13-160-430 Ramps.
Section 13-160-480 Horizontal exits.
Section 13-160-580 Exterior stairs.
Section 13-160-630 Fire escapes.
Section 13-160-660 Exit lighting.
Section 13-160-700 Exit signs.
Chapter 13-52 Minimum Design Loads.
Chapter 13-120 Materials, Methods and Tests.
Chapter 13-132 Foundations.
Chapter 13-140 Masonry Construction.
Chapter 13-144 Wood Construction.
Chapter 13-136 Concrete Construction.
Chapter 13-148 Steel and Metal Construction.
Chapter 13-124 Safety Requirements.
Chapter 13-124 Safeguards During Construction.
Chapter 13-128 Use of Public Property.
Chapter 13-196 Existing Buildings.
Chapter 18-28 Heating.
Chapter 18-28 Ventilation.
Chapter 13-172 Light and Ventilation.
Chapter 18-29 Plumbing.
Chapter 18-29 Sanitation Requirements.
Title 14C Conveyance Devices.
Title 14E Electrical Requirements.
(Prior code § 52-1; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 666679, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 10-17-09, p. 72419, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 14; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 21; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74459, Art. II, § 8)
(a) In all multiple dwellings every dwelling unit shall be separated from all other parts of the building by walls or partitions of noncombustible construction, or of construction consisting of wood studs with metal lath and plaster, or an equivalent noncombustible surface material, or with perforated gypsum board and plaster, or an equivalent noncombustible surface material, and shall provide fire-resistance of not less than one hour.
(b) In multiple dwellings partitions, floor construction and ceiling construction enclosing public corridors shall be of noncombustible construction, or shall be constructed of wood joists or wood studs with metal lath and plaster, or an equivalent noncombustible surface material, or perforated gypsum board and plaster, or an equivalent noncombustible surface material, and shall provide fire-resistance of not less than one hour. Any openings shall be protected by doors having fire resistance of not less than a 1 3/4 inch solid flush panel door with a rebated frame of solid material 1 3/4 inch thick or metal frames of not less than number 16 gauge.
(c) Multiple dwellings, except buildings of Type I-A, I-B, or I-C construction, shall be divided into areas not exceeding 5,000 square feet by vertical separations providing fire-resistance of not less than two hours and extending from the basement floor to the underside of the roof sheating. All openings in such vertical separations shall be protected with Class C fire doors.
(d) In intermediate area facilities for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less, all corridors, kitchens, furnace and laundry room walls and ceilings shall have a fire-resistant rating of at least one hour; walls may terminate at the underside of the ceiling.
(e) Townhouses shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) each townhouse unit shall be separated by vertical demising walls of noncombustible construction with a fire resistance of not less than three hours;
(2) where two stairs are required at least one of the stairs must not be shared with any other unit;
(3) the vertical separation shall continue from the foundation to the ceiling-roof assembly or to the attic rafters; and
(4) where parking areas are provided on the ground floor and vertical separations cannot reach the foundation they shall be separated horizontally from the residential areas by a four-hour noncombustible floor- ceiling assembly.
(Prior code § 52-2; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-97, p. 54730)
Any concrete masonry unit and mortar used in the construction of any part of an exterior wall of any residential unit, single-family dwelling, multiple dwelling or mixed occupancy building that includes a residential unit for which building plans have been submitted after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with Section 13-120-150.
(Added Coun. J. 7-25-01, p. 64905, § 2)
(a) When a room is used for cooking, dining and living purposes, it shall have a floor area of not less than 180 square feet.
(b) At least one room in every family unit shall have a floor area of not less than 150 square feet.
(c) Kitchens or dining space shall have a floor area of not less than 60 square feet.
(d) All other habitable rooms shall have a floor area of not less than 70 square feet.
(e) [Reserved.]
(f) In intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less, living rooms, dining rooms and activity rooms (if any) shall have a combined floor area of not less than 30 square feet per resident. Bedrooms in such facilities shall comply with the area requirements for bedrooms in institutional units, as specified in Section 13-80-070 of this Code.
(Prior code § 52-4; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 666679, § 2)