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(a) When a room is used for cooking, dining and living purposes, it shall have a floor area of not less than 180 square feet.
(b) At least one room in every family unit shall have a floor area of not less than 150 square feet.
(c) Kitchens or dining space shall have a floor area of not less than 60 square feet.
(d) All other habitable rooms shall have a floor area of not less than 70 square feet.
(e) [Reserved.]
(f) In intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less, living rooms, dining rooms and activity rooms (if any) shall have a combined floor area of not less than 30 square feet per resident. Bedrooms in such facilities shall comply with the area requirements for bedrooms in institutional units, as specified in Section 13-80-070 of this Code.
(Prior code § 52-4; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 666679, § 2)
The minimum ceiling height in a habitable room shall be not less than seven feet six inches except as follows:
(a) Rooms under sloping roofs shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven feet six inches for not less than 50 percent of the floor area having a ceiling height of five feet or more. No portion of the floor area having a ceiling height of less than five feet shall be considered as a part of the required floor area.
(b) In any room, beams or furred spaces constituting not more than 20 percent of the ceiling area may have a height of not less than seven feet.
(c) In intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less, toilet, storage and closet rooms shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven feet, six inches. All other rooms in such facilities shall have a minimum ceiling height of eight feet.
(Prior code § 52-5; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140)
(a) Access to each dwelling unit shall be provided without passing through any part of any other dwelling unit.
(b) Access to any required exit of a dwelling unit from all habitable rooms shall be provided without passing through a bedroom, bathroom or toilet room.
(Prior code § 52-6)
A basement may be used for habitable rooms or a dwelling unit, regardless of the depth of the floor below grade, if the floors and walls are impervious to leakage of underground and surface water and are protected from dampness, and if the required minimum window area is located entirely above the finished elevation of the grade adjoining the basement wall in which the windows are located.
(Added Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040)
Private garages shall comply with the requirements of Section 13-96-250.
(Prior code § 52-8)
For desk clerk requirements, see Chapter 15-4.
(Prior code § 52-11)