Article 1: Municipal Utility Systems
   16-1   Municipal utility systems
   16-2   Use of municipal utility systems
   16-3   Operation of municipal utility systems
   16-4 through 16-19 Reserved for future use
Article 2: Municipal Water System
   16-20   Water connections
   16-21   Mandatory use of municipal water system
   16-22   Tampering with or injuring municipal water system
   16-23   Water rates, fees and charges
   16-24   Sale of potable water to customers outside the city limits
   16-25 through 16-39 Reserved for future use
Article 3: Municipal Sewer System
   16-40   Use of municipal sewer system
   16-41   Mandatory sewer connections
   16-42   Private sewage disposal facilities
   16-43   Sewer rates and fees
   16-44 through 16-59 Reserved for future use
Article 4: Municipal Solid Waste System
   16-60   Collection and disposal declared to be a municipal function
   16-61   Purpose
   16-62   Definitions
   16-63   Accumulation a nuisance; containers
   16-64   Burning of solid waste
   16-65   Charges for solid waste collection and disposition
   16-66 through 16-79 Reserved for future use
Article 5: Municipal Park and Recreational Facilities
   16-80   Cache city parks rules and regulations
   16-81   Penalty
Article 6: Municipal Cemetery
   16-100 through 16-119 Reserved for future use
Article 7: Municipal Library System
   16-120 through 16-139 Reserved for fixture use
Article 8: Fire Department Pumper Fee
   16-140   Establishment of Fire Department pumper fee
Article 9: Industrial Wastes
   16-141   Prohibited discharges
   16-142   New sewers and connections
   16-143   User charge schedule
   16-144   Excessive strength charges
   16-145   Review and revision
   16-146   Toxic pollutants charges
   16-147   Notification
   16-148   Charges for extraneous flows
   16-149   Records
   16-150   Billing
   16-151 through 16-169 Reserved for future use
Article 10: Miscellaneous Provisions
   16-170   Turning on utilities
   16-171   No service connection until bills have been paid; cut-offs
   16-172   Customers to keep service pipes in good repair
   16-173   City not responsible for utility interruption
   16-174   Municipal personnel may inspect private premises
   16-175   Interference with fire hydrants; damage of utility system
   16-176 through 16-199 Reserved for future use
Article 10: Penalty
   16-200   Penalty