1. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any lot or piece of ground to allow solid waste to accumulate thereon, so as to cause an offensive odor to be emitted therefrom or to become injurious or dangerous to the health of the neighborhood or any inhabitant thereof. Any such condition is hereby declared a violation of this article and punishable as such, and in addition is declared to be a nuisance and may be abated as such.
2. Any person constructing any structure within the city shall, prior to construction on any premises, furnish and place on said premises a container of suitable size and design (35 gallon maximum) to contain all solid waste which might, by the winds or elements, be distributed and blown from the premises; said container shall be used by the person concerned at all times to keep the premises from becoming unsightly with solid waste, and shall always be kept covered.
3. Any person who fails to keep the premises on which any structure is being built or installed free from solid waste and who allows said waste to blow or be carried from the premises to adjoining or other property or into the streets, shall be deemed guilty of causing a nuisance, and shall be subject to the penalties in this code of ordinances prescribed therefor.