1. Type of connections. To accommodate the various type of arrangements, different procedures and agreements shall be used. The alternate arrangements are:
a. Alternate A, single residential or commercial service. This alternate provides for a single residential or commercial connection and meter for a customer where the property served is located outside of the city limits at the time the connection is made; and
b. Alternate B, multiple residential and/or commercial services where main line is to be dedicated to the city. This alternate provides for multiple residential and/or commercial connections and meters to a main waterline constructed by the customers desiring service with the main waterline to be dedicated to the city.
2. Policies and procedures.
a. General. The following items apply to all customers desiring service regardless of the type of arrangement.
(1) All cost shall be borne and paid by the customer(s) applying for service. These cost may include, but are not limited to: materials; labor; engineering; inspection; permit fees to the State Department of Health, city, State Department of Transportation, County Commissioners; and the like.
(2) Meters for individual service shall be purchased and installed by the city. Payment for the meter shall be part of the normal connection fee charged by the city when connecting a customer to the water system. The city shall retain full ownership and maintenance responsibility of the meter.
(3) All water service to the customer(s) outside of the city limits shall be provided in accordance with an agreement executed by the customer(s) and the President of the City Council after approval by the City Council. A blank copy of an agreement for each alternate service type shall be made available in the City Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
(4) The agreement may be amended from time to time only with the written approval of all parties to the agreement.
(5) If the property is annexed into the city limits, after installation of the water supply facilities, the agreement is null and void. After the effective date of annexation of the city code and ordinances in effect at the time of annexation pertaining to water service inside the city limits shall then apply.
(6) Charges for water service shall be based on the rates established by the City Council. These rates will change from time to time, and the city reserves the right to establish separate or higher rates for customers outside of the city limits.
(7) Sale of water to customers outside of the city limits does not establish a right on the part of City Council to regulate or in any way enforce any other regulations on those customers outside of the city limits.
(8) Placement of all water service facilities including waterlines, service lines, taps, meters, valves and the like shall be on private land. No facilities shall be placed on city, county, state or federal land or street or road right-of-way or statutory easements. The only exception shall be when it is necessary to cross street or road right-of-way or statutory easement. Then the crossing must be as close to perpendicular to the right-of-way or statutory easement centerline as practical.
(9) All requirements and standards of the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), if applicable, shall be met regarding the design and installation of all waterline and water service facilities.
(10) If a condition arises resulting in an extended period of insufficient water supply to meet the demands of the city’s customers located in the city limits, the City Council may, by enactment of a resolution, discontinue on a temporary or permanent basis the sale of water outside the city limits.
b. Alternate A, single residential or commercial service.
(1) An individual water service may be authorized for a single residential or commercial customer. The residential service shall be no larger than one-inch. The size of the commercial service shall be no larger than required to service the commercial business applying for service.
(2) The connection to the city waterline shall be made as close to the property to be serviced as possible. The meter shall be set near the city waterline within the city’s easement. All service line materials on the customer’s side of the meter shall remain property of the customer. Maintenance responsibility for these materials shall remain with the customer. All service line materials on the city’s side of the meter, including meter, angle valve, meter box, service taps and corporation stop at the main and the like shall be the maintenance responsibility of the city.
(3) Tapping of the city’s waterline shall be done only by the city’s Water Superintendent.
c. Alternate B, multiple residential and/or commercial services where main line is to be dedicated to the city.
(1) Extension of an existing city waterline may be authorized for multiple residential and/or commercial customers. The customers to be served by the waterline extension shall form an association. All agreements and dealing between the city and the customers shall take place through a single representative appointed by the association.
(2) Before an agreement is executed between the association and the city a determination of sufficient water supply and distribution system capacity must first be made by the city’s Engineer. The association shall pay the city for the engineer’s services before the determination will be made. The engineer shall make a recommendation to the City Council as to sufficient capacity, but the City Council shall make the final determination of whether to provide water service to the association.
(3) The association shall hire a private engineer to prepare plans, specifications and OSDH construction permit application for the waterline extension in accordance with OSDH requirements. The association shall pay the OSDH construction permit fee.
(4) The waterline extension shall be made in easements secured and paid for by the association on forms approved by the city’s Attorney. The city shall be made owner of the easements. Easement widths shall be established by the City Water Superintendent, but in no case shall they be less than ten feet in width when located adjacent to an existing easement or right-of-way and wider in all other cases.
(5) Installation of the waterline extension shall be done by either a contractor experienced in waterline construction or a plumber licensed in the state.
(6) Inspection of the waterline extension will be provided by the city’s Engineer and Water Superintendent. The association shall reimburse the city of the engineer’s inspection charges.
(7) Individual service connections to the new waterline extension shall be made by the city’s Water Superintendent after the waterline facilities are dedicated to the city by the association. The meter will be set as close to the property to be served as possible within the easement. All service line materials on the city’s side of the meter, including meter, angle valve, meter box, service tap and corporation stop at the main and the like shall be the maintenance responsibility of the city. Installation of the service line from the meter to the customer’s property shall be the responsibility of the individual customer. All service line materials on the customer’s side of the meter shall remain property of the customer. Maintenance responsibility for these materials shall remain with the customer.
(8) After completion of the waterline extension, the association shall dedicate the line to the city. The waterline extension shall become the property of the city from the date of acceptance, but the association shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of the extension for a period of one year from the date of City Council acceptance. Assurance of maintenance shall be in either of the following forms:
(a) A commercial maintenance bond for 100% of the value of the extension for a period of one year after the date of City Council acceptance of the waterline extension. The dollar amount of the maintenance bond shall be approved by the city’s Engineer; or
(b) Wording in the association’s agreement with the city holding the individual members of the association responsible for reimbursing the city of repairs to the extension during the one-year period. Distribution of the charges shall be made by dividing the total cost (materials, labor and equipment) equally among the association members.
3. Agreements between customer and city, as part of providing potable water service to customers outside the city limits of the city. Agreement forms shall be provided in the City Clerk-Treasurer’s office. The form of the agreement shall be approved by the city’s Attorney.
a. For Alternate A arrangements, the agreement shall be executed by the customer and the President of the City Council after approval by the City Council. The customer’s signature shall be notarized, and the Board President’s signature shall be attested by the City Clerk-Treasurer.
b. For Alternate B arrangements, the agreement shall be executed by the President of the Association and the President of the City Council after approval by the City Council. The association president’s signature shall be attested by the association’s secretary, and the City Council President’s signature shall be attested by the City Clerk-Treasurer.