Every Officer in charge of a Department shall to the best of his or her ability cause all statutes, ordinances, regulations and orders relating to the duties of his or her Department to be observed and enforced, and subject to the Civil Service laws and rules, when applicable, shall employ, fix the compensation of and may discharge for such cause as he or she shall deem sufficient and cause to be recorded in the records of his or her Department, all subordinates in this Department; [provided, however, that none but citizens shall be employed in any capacity except that alien physicians and nurses may be employed in a hospital or other health care institution under the charge of the Board of Health and Hospitals;] and provided further, that no emergency, provisional, temporary, intermittent, permanent or other appointment, transfer or promotion nor any reinstatement except upon the expiration of a suspension or a valid leave of absence, nor any increase in the compensation, nor any change in the title or rating, of any subordinate shall take effect until approved in writing by the Director of Administrative Services except in cases where the Mayor by a writing orders otherwise. The Director of Administrative Services shall file each day with the Mayor a copy of all approvals given by him or her on the preceding day under this Section.
(Ord. 1953 c. 8 § 5; Ord. 1969 c. 5; Ord. 1972 c. 20 § 2; Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 3 § 12; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 112; CBC 1985 5-5.18)
Editor’s note:
The bracketed portion is unconstitutional Sugarman v. Dougall, 413 U.S. 634; 93 S.Ct. 2842 (1973).
(A) No city employee shall be represented by the Corporation Counsel nor shall any City Agency make any payment for legal services to such city employee, except in matters arising within the scope of the employee’s duties as a city employee.
(B) No City Agency shall make any payment for legal services rendered to a city employee by private counsel in connection with any criminal or administrative proceeding or investigation arising from an alleged violation of the law by such employee; provided that if such employee is fully exonerated or such proceedings or investigation is terminated without findings or action against such employee, and the matter arose within the scope of the employee’s duties as a city employee, the cost of such legal services may be reimbursed by the city upon approval of the Corporation Counsel.
(C) This Section shall not apply to employees of law enforcement Departments within the city and/or Suffolk County.
(D) Any employee who seeks payment from the city for legal expenses incurred in a criminal matter shall post a bond equal to the amount of the payments or shall offer collateral sufficient to secure the amount of the payments made by the city. This is to ensure that the city can recover the amount it has paid for legal services should the employee not be fully exonerated.
(Ord. 1982 c. 34 §§ 1-4; CBC 1985 5-5.19)
(A) The city shall implement paid parental leave for all of its exempt female and male employees and all other employees covered by collective bargaining agreements whose agreements explicitly provide for this benefit for the employee, for the purpose of caring for his or her newborn or newly adopted child or children. This leave shall apply equally to parents regardless of gender, as well as to same-sex couples, in the event of a natural birth by any method, adoption, surrogacy and loss of pregnancy. Employees who have worked for the city for a minimum of one year are eligible for the full duration of paid parental leave.
(B) The paid parental leave shall be up to 12 weeks long, and may be taken by day or week anytime during the first year after the birth or adoption of the child or children. The leave period is fixed regardless of the number of children born or adopted by the employee. During the leave period, the employee shall be paid 100% of his or her base wages for the first four weeks, 75% of his or her base wages for the following four weeks and 50% of base wages for the remaining four weeks. Employees shall be eligible to use any accrued leave in order to receive compensation up to 100% of base pay during the weeks reimbursed at the rates of 75% and 50%. This paid leave will occur concurrently with and count towards the following leaves for which the employee may be eligible: the federally mandated 12 weeks of Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”, being 29 U.S.C. §§ 2611 et seq.) leave, eight weeks of Massachusetts Parental Leave Act (“MPLA”, being M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 105D, and M.G.L. Chapter 151B, Section 4(11A)) leave and up to 12 months of unpaid leave due to childbirth, adoption or loss of pregnancy offered by the city.
(C) The number of paid parental leave periods employees may take is unlimited over the duration of their employment with the city, but employees are only eligible for one 12-week paid leave per birth, adoption or loss of pregnancy.
(D) If both parents work for the city, each is entitled to a 12-week leave period as described in division (B) above and they may take their parental leave periods concurrently, subsequently or in any other combination they wish.
(E) The Director of Human Resources for the city shall have full authority to issue policies relative to paid parental leave benefits offered pursuant to this Section for any purpose, including, but not limited to, notification requirements for employees requesting leave, employee eligibility and documentation requirements for births, adoptions or loss of pregnancy.
(Ord. 1984 c. 36; CBC 1985 5-5.20; Ord. 2015 c. 3; Ord. 2021 c. 10 § 1)
If the Officer in charge of any Department shall at any time have the care, custody and management of any personal property belonging to the city which is not required for the purposes of such Department, he or she shall by a writing executed in triplicate, one copy of which shall be retained by him or her, one copy filed with the City Auditor and one copy delivered to the Purchasing Agent transfer the care, custody and management of such personal property to the Purchasing Agent, who, if such personal property is required for the purposes of another Department, shall by a writing executed in like manner transfer the care, custody and management thereof to the Officer in charge of such Department and, if such personal property is not so required and he or she estimates the value thereof not to exceed $500, may, with the written approval of the Mayor lease, sell or otherwise dispose of same at such time, for such price and in such manner as he or she shall adjudge most advantageous to the city.
(Ord. 1953 c. 8 § 6; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 3 § 14; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 114; CBC 1985 5-5.22)