5-5.10   Salary Categories for Certain Offices.
   (A)   (1)   Holders of the following Offices shall receive such annual salary as shall be fixed by the Mayor within the limits set out below for the category in which said Office is placed. In fixing such salary, the Mayor shall consider the salaries paid equivalent Offices by comparable governmental units elsewhere in the United States, the salary necessary to attract or retain competent individuals in the city’s service and the recommendation of the Boston Compensation Advisory Board. Such salary shall, except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, be in full for all services rendered to the city and county, shall be apportionable in the event of service for only part of the year and shall be subject to deduction for any and all sums due to the city or county from such Office holder.
         (a)   Category IA shall include the Director of Administrative Services, the Police Commissioner and the Fire Commissioner, who shall receive as salary not less than $260,000 and not more than $325,000.
         (b)   Category IB shall include the Corporation Counsel, the Collector-Treasurer and the Chief Information Officer, who shall receive as salary not less than $160,000 and not more than $225,500.
         (c)   Category II shall include the Commissioner of Assessing, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Inspectional Services, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, the Commissioner of Transportation, the City Auditor and the Commissioner of Property Management, who shall receive as salary not less than $140,000 and not more than $180,000.
         (d)   Category III shall include the Supervisor of Budgets, the Supervisor of Personnel, the Supervisor of Labor Relations, the Purchasing Agent and the City Clerk, who shall receive as salary not less than $120,000 and not more than $175,000.
         (e)   Category IVA shall include the Commissioner of Elderly Affairs, the Commissioner of Veterans’ Services, the Chair of the Election Commission, the Assistant Commissioner of Property Management, the Associate Commissioner of Assessing, the Deputy Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and the Chair and members of the Board of Review, Chair of the Licensing Board, members of the Licensing Board and Secretary of the Licensing Board, who shall receive as salary not less than $110,000 and not more than $160,000.
      (2)   Persons holding the Offices mentioned above shall devote their entire time during ordinary business hours to their respective duties. No person holding such an Office or serving in such an Office on an acting or temporary basis shall receive compensation in the form of overtime. The Mayor may appoint persons to positions not enumerated in categories herein; provided, however, that the Department or Agency into which the person is appointed lawfully exists at the effective date of this Section or is duly established by statute hereafter by the Legislature or by ordinance in accordance with law; and provided further, that the assignment of the position to one of the categories enumerated herein will be made by ordinance, and no position shall be transferred from category to category except by ordinance.
      (3)   Category V shall set per diem rates as follows: the Chair and each member of the Board of Appeal in the Inspectional Services Department shall receive for every day or part thereof of actual service $460; but in no event shall the Chair or any member of said Board receive in any one calendar year more than $34,000 in the aggregate for services rendered under the Building Code, being 780 CMR, and the Zoning Law. The Chair and members of the Board of Examiners in the Inspectional Services Department shall receive for every day or part thereof of actual service $287.50, but in no event more than $23,000 in any one calendar year.
      (4)   The Chair and each member of the Zoning Commission shall receive for every day or part thereof of actual service, $287.50, but in no event shall the Chair or any member of said Board receive in any one calendar year more than $8,625.
      (5)   The Deputy Assessors shall be compensated as if they held an Office allocated to Grade No. R-19 of the compensation plan, from time to time, in effect for the county; Assistant Assessors lawfully required to devote at least 35 hours a week to their work shall be compensated as if they held an Office allocated to Grade No. R-15 of said compensation plan.
   (B)   Reserved.
   (C)   The divisions of this Subsection shall be severable, and if any one or more paragraphs or portions thereof, shall be held invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such Court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining Sections or portions hereof.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 3 § 5; Ord. 1972 c. 13; Ord. 1973 c. 5; Ord. 1974 c. 5; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 105; Ord. 1979 cs. 12, 20, 25; Ord. 1980 c. 11; Ord. 1982 cs. 13, 24, 25, 31; Ord. 1983 cs. 15, 16, 27; Ord. 1984 cs. 23, 24; CBC 1985 5-5.10; Ord. 1986 c. 23 §§ 1-3; [105]; Ord. 1987 c. 2 § 4; Ord. 1993 c. 5 §§ 1, 2; Ord. 1994 c. 17 § 1; Ord. 1995 c. 3 § 3; Ord. 1998 c. 2 § I; Ord. 2002 c. 6 § 3; Ord. 2004 c. 2 § 2; Ord. 2006 c. 3 § 3; Ord. 2006 c. 6 § 2; Ord. 2006 c. 7 § 1; Ord. 2014 c. 4; Ord. 2018 c. 6 §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; Ord. 2022 c. 8 §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Ord. 2022 c. 10 §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)