5-5.41   Reporting Requirements to the City Retirement Board.
   (A) The city’s Office of Human Resources, Workers’ Compensation division and every Officer in charge of a City Public Safety Department shall provide a copy of a notice of injury to the Boston Retirement Board within six months of receipt of notice of any injury alleged to have arisen out of and in the course of employment that incapacitates an employee from earning full wages for a period of five or more calendar days.
   (B)   Every Officer in charge of a City Department shall file the statements required by 840
CMR 10.07 with the Boston Retirement Board within ten business days, not including legal holidays, of the date that the Department head receives it.
   (C)   Every Officer in charge of a City Department shall annually, and upon appointment, attend an approved educational training seminar on disability retirement, as established and/or designated by the Boston Retirement Board.
   (D)   The provisions of these Sections shall be effective 30 days after passage.
(CBC 1985 5-5.41; Ord. 2008 c. 17)
5-5.42   Gender Identity Nondiscrimination in Health Care Coverage for City Employees.
   The city, to the extent permissible by federal and commonwealth law after this Section is in force, shall not contract with any health insurance company that refuses to insure any person or that discriminates in the amount of premium, policy fees or rates charged for any policy or contract of insurance, or in the benefits payable thereunder, or in any of the terms or conditions of such contract, because of gender identity or expression.
(CBC 1985 5-5.42; Ord. 2014 c. 6)