5-5.12   County Officers.
   The Officers of the County of Suffolk shall be paid the salaries and allowances provided by law. (Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 3 § 6; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 106; CBC 1985 5-5.12)
5-5.13   Temporary Officers.
   Every Officer temporarily holding, or performing the duties of, more than one Office shall receive the salary for the highest paid of such Offices; provided, however, that any Officer permanently holding an Office compensated for overtime, who is appointed temporarily to an Office established in Subsection 5-5.10 shall not during that appointment be eligible to receive overtime in either Office.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 3 § 7; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 107; Ord. 1980 c. 11; CBC 1985 5-5.13)
5-5.14   Vacation and Other Absence.
   Every Officer in charge of a Department receiving a salary from the city shall be entitled to a vacation of two weeks, without loss of pay, during each year of service, and the Mayor may grant additional leave of absence, with or without loss of pay, to such Officer.
(R.O. 1885 c. 4 § 4; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 3 § 8; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 108; CBC 1985 5-5.14)