(a) The
shall be composed of nine members. Two of the nine members shall be young adults.
(b) The members of the
shall be appointed by the City Council after due consideration has been given the interest and commitment of such individuals to civil and human rights principles; to their knowledge in the fields of employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education and other areas affected by the Minnesota Human Rights Act; to their ability to serve in a genuine leadership role in the community by virtue of their positions of responsibility in business and civic affairs; to adequate representation of the classes of persons protected under the Minnesota Human Rights Act; and to recommendations obtained from various sources including any local human rights committee.
The purpose of the Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission shall be to advise the City Council on matters relating to park infrastructure, recreation related facilities, park planning, park maintenance, parks and recreation programs, and cultural activities.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) Parks and recreation programs. The
shall review and evaluate park and recreation programs and how these programs can and do fulfill the existing and future needs of the city. The
shall be knowledgeable of park and recreation standards and shall evaluate the park and recreation programs and how they meet these standards. The
shall endeavor to foster equitable and compatible working relationships between the city and the Bloomington Independent School District No. 271 in the joint use of facilities as regard park and recreation programs.
(b) Long-range planning and development. The
shall review and evaluate parks, recreation and arts financing methods as they relate to needs. They shall study and evaluate future park plans for the city and shall plan for the continued maintenance and development of the city's existing park land.
(c) Revenue facilities. The
shall review, study and evaluate the use, operation and need for revenue facilities in the city such as the golf courses, swimming pools, and Bloomington Ice Garden.
(d) Cultural activities. The
shall study, review and evaluate existing and future programs and facilities in the area of cultural activities as an important additional source of recreation for the people and shall study how these programs and facilities meet the cultural needs of the community.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) The
shall consist of seven members, including at least one
. A
member may remain on the in that capacity after age 23 if that member is a full-time student in an accredited post-secondary educational institution. The commissioner shall serve in a comprehensive fashion to evaluate the recreational, cultural and leisure-time needs of the community and recommend alternative ways to meet those needs.
(b) The may create standing committees in each of the four areas designated in § 2.84.02. Commissioners may be evenly divided among the four standing committees and, at the request of the , up to three members of the general public may be appointed by the City Council to each of the standing committees.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
The purpose of the Planning Commission shall be to advise the City Council on matters related to comprehensive planning, district planning, small area planning, zoning, development standards, development applications, subdivision, platting, variances, and transportation. The Planning Commission shall also make final decisions on applications, subject to appeal to the City Council, where expressly allowed under the city code.
(Ord. 2017-15, passed 5-22-2017)
(a) Hold hearings, review applications, make recommendations, and, where applicable, act upon applications as set forth in the city code;
(b) Review and make recommendations on variance and appeal applications where such review is required of the Planning Commission by the city code;
(c) Review and make recommendations on proposed amendments to zoning, subdivision and transportation provisions of the city code;
(d) Review and make recommendations on proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and district plans;
(e) Review and make recommendations on transportation issues including transportation planning, street extensions and modifications, street layout, on street parking, neighborhood traffic plans, transportation grant applications, transit systems, pedestrian ways and bicycle traffic; and
(f) Other duties as may be assigned by the City Council or by state law.