(a) Whenever in this code or in any ordinance of the city any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or whenever in such code or ordinance the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and when no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such provision of this code or any ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days or both. Each day any violation of any provision of this code or of any ordinance continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(b) In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (a) of this section, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this code or any ordinance shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be, by the city, abated as provided by law and each day that such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and separate offense.
(1958 Code, § 1.07) (Ord. 69-52, passed 7-7-1969; Ord. 77-68, passed 10-3-1977; Ord. 83-35, passed 9-12-1983; Ord. 2007-36, passed 10-22-2007; Ord. 2016-24, passed 10-24-2016)
Pursuant to City Charter § 12.15, the City Council enacts this Article II of the city code to provide an administrative conference and independent hearing officer hearing process for the resolution of certain violations of the city code. The Council finds that this hearing process will facilitate compliance with certain city code provisions and avoid unnecessary delay in the enforcement of the city code.
(Ord. 99-32, passed 10-4-1999; Ord. 2011-19, passed 8-15-2011)
This administrative enforcement procedure seeks to gain compliance with certain provisions of the city code prior to any formal criminal or civil court action. The hearing process provided for in this Article II shall be in addition to any other legal or equitable remedy available to the city for city code violations, except that if a determination is made by the independent hearing officer pursuant to the hearing process detailed in § 1.17 of this Article II that a violation did not occur, the city may not then proceed with criminal prosecution for the same act or conduct.
(Ord. 99-32, passed 10-4-1999; Ord. 2011-19, passed 8-15-2011)
For the purposes of Chapter 1, Article II, the words
CIVIL FINE shall also mean nuisance service call fee when those fees are issued pursuant to § 12.15 of this code and the term INDEPENDENT HEARING OFFICER shall encompass either an administrative law judge or a hearing officer as selected by the City Attorney’s office.
(Ord. 2011-19, passed 8-15-2011)
A violation of the following provisions of the city code shall be an administrative offense that may be subject to the administrative mediation and hearing process of this Article II.
(1) Chapter 6, Article I, Fire Prevention and Protection Code;
(2) Chapter 8, Article III, Vehicle Regulations, Division A, Storage of Abandoned, Junk, and Inoperable Vehicles as Public Nuisances;
(3) Chapter 8, Article IV, Parking, Division A, Parking on Private Property;
(4) Chapter 9, Article XI, Affordable Housing Tenant Protection;
(5) Chapter 10, Article II, Refuse;
(6) Chapter 10, Article III, Odor;
(7) Chapter 10, Article IV, Noise Code;
(8) Chapter 10, Article VI, Weeds;
(9) Chapter 10, Article VII, Recycling;
(10) Chapter 10, Article VIII, Phosphorus Fertilizer;
(11) Chapter 11, Article II, Wastewater;
(12) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division A, Public Nuisance Property Conditions;
(13) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division B, Prohibited Nuisance Conduct;
(14) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division C, Nuisance Service Call;
(15) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division E, Improper Display of Sexually-Oriented Materials;
(16) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division H, Firearms, Weapons, Concealed Weapons;
(17) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division N, Graffiti;
(18) Chapter 12, Article II, Nuisance Conduct and Conditions, Division O, Smoking Prohibited;
(19) Chapter 14, Article II, Public Entertainment Licenses and Regulations;
(20) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division A, General Provisions and Animal Welfare;
(21) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division B, Domestic Animals and Dangerous Animals;
(22) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division C, Rabies Control;
(23) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division D, Chickens, Farm Poultry, Farm Animals, and Bees;
(24) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division E, Wild Animals;
(25) Chapter 12, Article IV, Animal Code, Division F, Inspection and Enforcement of Animal Code;
(26) Chapter 12, Article VI, Harmful Practices and Conduct - Prohibition of Conversion Therapy;
(27) Chapter 14, Article III, Animal Licenses, Division A, Dogs, Cats and Ferrets and Division B, Commercial Animal Establishments;
(28) Chapter 14, Article IV, Business Licenses and Regulations;
(29) Chapter 14, Article V, Food Establishments, Lodging Establishment and Public Pool Regulations;
(30) Chapter 14, Article VIII, Rental Housing Code;
(31) Chapter 14, Article VII, Sign Permits and Licenses;
(32) Chapter 15, Article I, Building Code;
(33) Chapter 15, Article VI, Private Residential Swimming Pools;
(34) Chapter 15, Article VIII, Plumbing, Division D. Wells;
(35) Chapter 16, Article II, Stormwater Management, and Article III, Stormwater Pond Aeration Permit;
(36) Chapter 17, Article II, Street Use Restrictions;
(37) Chapter 18, Trees;
(38) Reserved;
(39) Reserved;
(40) Reserved;
(41) Reserved;
(42) Reserved;
(43) Reserved;
(44) Reserved;
(45) Reserved;
(46) Reserved;
(47) Reserved;
(48) Reserved;
(49) Chapter 21, Article I, Introduction and Establishment;
(50) Chapter 21, Article II, Districts and Uses;
(51) Chapter 21, Article III, Development Standards;
(52) Chapter 21, Article IV;
(53) Chapter 21, Article V, Administration and Nonconformity;
(54) Chapter 23, Article I, Earned Sick and Safe Leave; and
(55) Chapter 23, Article II Prevailing Wage.
(Ord. 99-32, passed 10-4-1999; Ord. 2006-13, passed 4-17-2006; Ord. 2007-36, passed 10-22-2007; Ord. 2010-28, passed 11-1-2010; Ord. 3013-9, passed 4-1-2013; Ord. 2014-9, passed 5-5-2014; Ord. 2014-14, passed 10-13-2014; Ord. 2015-28, passed 11-2-2015; Ord. 2016-24, passed 10-24-2016; Ord. 2017-38, passed 11-6-2017; Ord. 2018-22, passed 7-23-2018; Ord. 2019-30, passed 8-5-2019; Ord. 2020-1, passed 2-24-2020
; Ord. 2020-49, passed 12-21-2020
; Ord. 2021-19, passed 6-14-2021; Ord. 2021-30, passed 9-13-2021
; Ord. 2022-32, passed 6-13-2022
; Ord. 2023-6, passed 3-20-2023; Ord. 2024-4, passed 2-26-2024; Ord. 2024-14, passed 6-17-2024; Ord. 2024-28, passed 11-18-2024; Ord. 2024-62, passed 12-16-2024)
(a) Upon the reasonable belief that an administrative offense detailed in § 1.11 of this Article II has occurred, the city officials listed in § 1.06 of this chapter shall serve on the violator an order to correct the violation. If compliance is not achieved by virtue of an order to correct, the official is authorized to issue an administrative citation pursuant to this Article II of the city code. An administrative citation shall be served in person or by mail to the person responsible for the violation, as well as the owner of the property on which the violation occurred, if not the same person. The citation shall state the date, time and nature of the offense, the name of the official issuing the citation, the amount of the scheduled civil fine and the manner for paying the fine or appealing the citation by requesting an administrative conference.
(b) Except as otherwise required in law, rule, regulation or ordinance, service pursuant to this Chapter shall be effective when a copy is:
(1) Delivered personally;
(2) Sent by first-class mail addressed to the person who is listed by the County Auditor as the owner of tax payer record. If the tax payer's address is different than the address where the violation exists, then the notice shall also be mailed to the property address where the violation exists; or
(3) If the notice is returned showing that the letter was not delivered or the property is known to be vacant, a copy thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure involved.
(Ord. 99-32, passed 10-4-1999; Ord. 2007-36, passed 10-22-2007; Ord. 2011-19, passed 8-15-2011; Ord. 2016-24, passed 10-24-2016)