All applicable provisions of Section 14-16-6-4 (General Procedures) apply unless specifically modified by the provisions of this Subsection 14-16-6-5(G).

6-5(G)(1)(b) A Site Plan - Administrative may be approved for property with a prior-approved Site Plan, regardless of whether the prior-approved Site Plan is still valid pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-4(X), subject to allowable uses and development standards in this IDO. If any portions of the proposed boundary overlap with a prior-approved Site Plan that will remain in place, a Major Amendment shall be required as described in Subsection 14-16-6-5(G)(2)(c) below.
6-5(G)(1)(c) A Site Plan - Administrative may only be approved for development that avoids sensitive lands identified in a sensitive lands analysis as required pursuant to Subsection 14-16-5-2(C). Otherwise, a Site Plan - EPC is required pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
6-5(G)(1)(d) In the Railroad and Spur Small Area, a Site Plan - Administrative may only be approved for development that does not require a cumulative impact analysis pursuant to Subsections 14-16-5-2(E) and 14-16-6-4(H), which requires a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
6-5(G)(1)(e) Where adjacent to Major Public Open Space, a Site Plan - Administrative may only be approved for a project site of no more than 5 acres. Development on a project site over 5 acres and adjacent to Major Public Open Space requires a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
6-5(G)(1)(f) This Subsection 14-16-6-5(G) applies to any of the following developments on a lot or continuous lots in any zone district other than NR-SU or PD, which require a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J):
1. All new low-density residential development.
2. All new multi-family residential development.
3. All conversions of existing non-residential development to a residential use.
4. All new non-residential development.
5. All new mixed-use development.
6. All increases in the number of residential dwelling units originally approved on the subject property or increases to the gross floor area originally approved beyond the threshold for Minor Amendment pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-4(Y) or 14-16-6-4(Z).
7. All development in the MX-FB zone district that is already mapped.
8. More than 5 mobile food trucks on 1 lot, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(F)(11)(d) (Mobile Food Truck), where mobile food trucks are accessory to a primary use, and any number of mobile food trucks on a premises with no other primary use, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(F)(11) (Mobile Food Truck).
9. A Permit - Temporary Use when a Site Plan is required pursuant to a Use-specific Standard in Section 14-16-4-3.
10. All electric utilities .
11. All other major utility facilities with administrative approval according to an approved Facility Plan.
12. All new, redeveloped, or renovated City-owned or managed parks less than 10 acres, regardless of the zone district they are in, where all of the following criteria apply. Park development over this threshold requires a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
a. The project proposes only allowable uses as specified in Table 4-2-1, except for any collocated City facility.
b. The project does not include lighting over 45 feet, illuminated signs, amplified outdoor sound, or over 150 parking spaces.
13. Any City-owned or managed Major Public Open Space facility that is not designated as an Extraordinary Facility pursuant to the Rank 2 Major Public Open Space Facility Plan or that is a renovation of a facility previously approved as an Extraordinary Facility, either of which requires a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
14. Any property in the NR-PO-C zone district of any size that is not part of a proposed development that would meet the applicability standards to be processed as a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J).
15. All City BioPark facilities, which are regulated by the BioPark Master Plan and managed by City Cultural Services.
1. An initial review with comments shall be completed within 10 business days of the receipt of a complete application.
2. A Notice of Decision shall be sent to the applicant and to any other person who has submitted written comments and/or requested a copy of the decision.
3. The Notice of Decision shall be posted on the City website as soon as practicable and not more than 3 business days after the final action.
6-5(G)(2)(c) If the boundary of a proposed site plan includes only a portion of the boundary of a prior-approved Site Plan that is still valid pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-4(X), the prior-approved Site Plan must be amended through a Major Amendment pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-4(Y) or Subsection 14-16-6-4(Z), as applicable, to remove the overlapping area proposed in a new site plan before an application for a new site plan that includes that overlapping area can be decided, because only one site plan shall apply to any property.
6-5(G)(2)(e) The ZEO may grant deviations to IDO standards as part of this approval within the thresholds established in Section 14-16-6-4(P) (Deviations). Beyond these thresholds, a Variance to IDO standards (other than to standards in Sections 14-16-5-3, 14-16-5-4, or 14-16-5-5) requires review and approval by the ZHE per Subsection 14-16-6-6(O) (Variance - ZHE).
6-5(G)(2)(f) Any request for a Waiver to IDO standards in Sections 14-16-5-3 (Access and Connectivity), 14-16-5-4 (Subdivision of Land), or 14-16-5-5 (Parking and Loading) requires review and approval by the DHO pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(P) (Waiver - DHO).
6-5(G)(2)(j) A Site Plan - Administrative may not be approved until after any necessary Conditional Use Approvals are obtained pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(A).
An application for Site Plan - Administrative shall be approved if it meets all of the following criteria.
6-5(G)(3)(b) The City's existing infrastructure and public improvements, including but not limited to its street, trail, drainage, and sidewalk systems, have adequate capacity to serve the proposed development or the applicant has agreed to install required infrastructure and public improvements pursuant to Subsection Subsection 14-16-1-7(B)(2) and 14-16-5-4(N) and/or a signed an Infrastructure Improvements Agreement (IIA) pursuant to Subsection 14-16-5-4(O) to add adequate capacity.
211 | 211 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for consistency with Council Amendment B4(a) [O-24-13]. Passed 6/17/2024. [Spreadsheet Item #60] |