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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
5-2(C)(1)   Both the subdivision and site design processes shall begin with an analysis of site constraints related to sensitive lands. The site analysis shall be included with applications for Subdivision or Site Plan. The site analysis shall be reviewed by relevant staff from Hydrology, Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation, the City Forrester, and/or the City Archaeologist, depending on the type(s) of sensitive lands identified on the site.
5-2(C)(2)   New subdivisions of land and site design shall avoid locating development, except for open spaces and areas that will not be disturbed during the development process, in the following types of sensitive lands:
5-2(C)(2)(a)   Arroyos.
5-2(C)(2)(b)   Floodplains and Special Flood Hazard Areas.
5-2(C)(2)(c)   Irrigation facilities (acequias).
5-2(C)(2)(d)   Large stands of mature trees.
5-2(C)(2)(e)   Riparian areas.
5-2(C)(2)(f)   Rock outcroppings.
5-2(C)(2)(g)   Significant archaeological sites.
5-2(C)(2)(h)   Steep slopes and escarpments.
5-2(C)(2)(i)   Wetlands.
5-2(C)(3)   Street crossings of sensitive lands shall be avoided.
5-2(C)(4)   If development cannot avoid sensitive lands pursuant to Subsections (2) and (3) above, the project shall be processed as a Site Plan - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(I) and may require a Variance - EPC pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(N).
5-2(C)(5)   Landscaping on lots abutting arroyos shall be pursuant to Subsection 14-16-5-6(C)(4) (Required Plant Materials and Site Amenities).
5-2(C)(6)   For all development except cluster and cottage development, if avoidance of sensitive lands, other than floodways and flood fringe areas referenced in Article 14-5 of ROA 1994 (Flood Hazard and Drainage Control), results in the subdivision containing fewer buildable lots than it would have if sensitive lands were not avoided, the Planning Director may adjust the minimum lot size or lot width dimensions by up to 25 percent to allow for additional lots that would have otherwise been possible if sensitive lands had not been avoided.