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Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
6-4(P)(1)   If Table 6-1-1 or IDO Subsections 14-16-6-4(Y) (Amendments of Approvals) or 14-16-6-4(Z) (Amendments of Pre-IDO Approvals) authorize City staff to make a decision on an application, City staff may impose conditions necessary to bring the application into compliance with the requirements of this IDO or other adopted City regulations.
6-4(P)(2)   If Table 6-1-1 or IDO Subsections 14-16-6-4(Y) (Amendments of Approvals) or 14-16-6-4(Z) (Amendments of Pre-IDO Approvals) authorizes the ZHE, EPC, DHO, LC, or City Council to make a decision on an application, the decision-making body may impose conditions on the approval necessary to bring the application into compliance with the requirements of this IDO, other adopted City regulations, or the specific review criteria for that type of application, provided that both of the following criteria are met.
6-4(P)(2)(a)   All conditions are reasonably related to the purposes of this IDO or mitigating the negative impacts of the proposed development or land use as determined by the reviewing entity.
6-4(P)(2)(b)   Where mitigation of the impacts of a proposed plan or development requires an applicant to dedicate land or pay money to a public entity in an amount that is not calculated according to a formula applicable to a broad class of applicants, any conditions imposed are roughly proportional both in nature and extent to the anticipated impacts of the proposed development, as shown through an individualized determination of impacts.
6-4(P)(3)   Any conditions shall be listed in or attached to the permit or approval document, and violation of any condition on a permit or approval shall be a violation of this IDO.
6-4(P)(4)   Any conditions shall be met within 1 year of the approval, unless stated otherwise in the approval. If any conditions are not met within that time, the approval is void. The Planning Director may extend the time limit up to an additional 1 year.