Chapter 36: Purchasing
General Provisions
   36-01   Definitions
   36-02   Purpose; rules of construction
   36-03   Applicability
   36-04   Requirement of good faith
   36-05   Determinations to be maintained on file
   36-06   Local preference
Procurement and Supply Management
   36-15   Creation of procurement policy
   36-16   Centralization of procurement authority
   36-17   Promulgation of supply management operational procedures
   36-18   Cooperative purchasing
Contract Award Process
   36-30   Specifications
   36-31   Modification of standard contract forms
   36-32   Advertising for bids
   36-33   Methods of source selection
   36-34   Competitive sealed bidding
   36-35   Competitive acquisition of professional services including architecture and engineering
   36-36   Rejection of bids
   36-37   Bidder's preference
   36-38   Small purchases
   36-39   Sole source procurements
   36-40   Emergency procurements
   36-41   Finality of determinations
   36-42   Contract monitoring
Contractual Remedies
   36-55   Authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards
   36-56   Authority to debar or suspend
   36-57   Authority to resolve contract and breach of contract controversies
   36-58   Time limitations on actions
Ethical Standards
   36-70   Ethics in public contracting
   36-71   Gratuities and kickbacks
   36-72   Restrictions on employment of present and former employees
   36-73   Prohibition against contingent fees
   36-74   Use of confidential information
   36-75   Public access to procurement information
   36-76   Civil and administrative remedies
   36-77   Recovery of value transferred or received
   36-90   Division of Purchasing created; Purchasing Agent appointed
   36-91   Authority and duties of Purchasing Agent
   36-92   Delegation of authority
Charter reference:
   Contracts, competitive bidding, see Charter Art. XII, §§ 1 and 2
Statutory reference:
   Power of Council to control the finances of the city, see A.R.S. § 9-240(A)