§ 36-06 Local Preference.
   (A)   A LOCAL BUSINESS shall be defined as a business that is located within the boundaries of the City of Yuma, paid all its required taxes, possesses a valid City of Yuma business license, and has its headquarters in the City of Yuma (defined as principal central office, including where primary headquarters related functions and services are performed, including financial, personnel, administrative, legal, planning and similar business functions).
   (B)   The City of Yuma may award up to a 5% local preference for award of public bid for any improvements, materials, equipment, construction, professional services, or supplies up to a contract value of $50,000 to a local business in order to facilitate increased competition by such local businesses with larger metropolitan and out of state firms and to prefer the accessibility and prompt service of a local dealer which is deemed to offset the price advantage of volume enterprises. If local business subcontracts out a portion of the work on the contract at least 50% of the subcontracted amount must be to other local businesses in order to qualify for local preference award. Preference may be awarded based upon equal quality and suitability as deemed solely by the city.
   (C)   The City of Yuma may award up to a 5% local preference for award of public bid for any improvements, materials, equipment, construction, professional services, or supplies for a contract value over $50,000, with the preference amount not to exceed $100,000, to a local business in order to facilitate increased competition by such local businesses with larger metropolitan and out of state firms and to prefer the accessibility and prompt service of a local dealer which is deemed to offset the price advantage of volume enterprises. If local business subcontracts out a portion of the work on the contract at least 50% of the subcontracted amount must be to other local businesses in order to qualify for local preference award. Preference may be awarded based upon equal quality and suitability as deemed solely by the city.
   (D)   In awarding contracts for furnishing any kind of equipment or materials or construction to a political subdivision of this state, the amount of any applicable transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state shall not be a factor in determining the lowest bidder whenever a competing bidder located outside this state is not subject to a transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state.
   (E)   This preference shall not be used where state statute or any applicable federal statute or regulation prohibits the granting of such preference.
   (F)   In no case, under either state statute or Yuma City Code, shall any bidder receive more than 5% total preference.
(Ord. O2011-39, passed 2-1-12)