Building Code
   150.01   State Building Code adopted by reference
   150.02   Amendments, deletions and additions
   150.03   Highest standards prevail
   150.04   Safety features required; new multi-family dwellings and commercial buildings
   150.05   Costs of independent review of building design
   150.06   Building permit requirements
   150.07   Certificate of occupancy
   150.08   Delay of demolition
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration
   150.15   Inspector
   150.16   Heating permit fees
   150.17   Refrigeration and air conditioning permit fees
   150.18   Failure to obtain building permit; refund of fees
Gas Piping and Appliances
   150.30   Compliance with state law
   150.31   Installations generally
   150.32   Stopping use of defective appliances
   150.33   Gas Advisory Committee
House Numbering
   150.45   Numbers required
   150.46   Size and style
   150.47   How assigned
   150.48   How placed
Blight Elimination
   150.60   Title
   150.61   Legislative authority
   150.62   Findings and purpose
   150.63   Definitions
   150.64   Blighted premises prohibited; notice to owner and occupant; municipality authorized to remediate blighted conditions without consent
   150.65   Criminal violation and civil penalties
   150.66   Blight civil penalty citation hearing procedure
   150.99   Penalty
Charter reference:
   Department of inspection established, see Charter § 7E-2