The following sections of the Building Code adopted by the preceding section are amended as herein set forth:
(A) Section 301.1. Amended by adding at the end thereof the following provision: " those lines set forth in the ‘Ordinance Concerning Fire District' of the City of Waterbury."
(B) Article 17. Deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
"1. The installation, repair, replacement, or alteration in any building or structure of any plumbing shall comply with the plumbing code of the city."
"2. The installation, repair, replacement, or alteration in any building or structure of any gas piping shall comply with Article II of this chapter."
(C) Article 15. Deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
"All new electric wiring for light, heat, and power service equipment, and all alterations or extensions to existing wiring systems in buildings and structures shall comply with Chapter 6 of this Code."
(D) Section 128.22. Deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:
"Qualification of Board Members. One of said members shall be a licensed architect, one of said members shall be a mason contractor, one of said members shall be a carpenter contractor, one of said members shall be a heating and plumbing contractor, one of said members shall be a refrigeration engineer. In each case, the member shall have at least five years' experience devoted full time to the occupation or profession in question. The recommendations of the local professional or business organization composed of members of the profession or occupation involved shall be considered in the making of appointments to such Board."
(E) Section 128.3. Amended by adding at the end thereof: ". . . . and shall be based upon the time they are actually engaged in discharging the duties herein set forth."
(F) Sections 107.1, 107.2 and 107.3. Deleted.
(G) Provisions added. The following provisions are added to the Building Code:
(1) Owners of existing constructed buildings, porches and verandas and entrances which involve serious fire and life hazards or which are so located as to form conflagration breeders shall protect the floor, stairs, fire walls and exposed window openings.
(2) All aluminum and steel siding shall be grounded.
(3) The inside faces of brickwork on chimneys shall be heavily pargeted with fire clay before setting each section of lining.
(4) Damp-proofing shall be concrete supplement used integrally according to the manufacturer's specifications. All tie rods shall be removed, and waterplugged from the exterior.
(5) Before a permit shall be issued by the Building Official for the erection of any building within ten feet of the street line, a surety bond of $5,000 shall be furnished the city, in form satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, conditioned to save the city harmless against any loss, cost, or damage arising out of injuries sustained by any person by reason of the construction of such building for which the city would be liable while such building is under construction, or until such building is erected.
(6) The span tables authorized as official by the building code indicate proper and safe use of lumber according to the grade and species. All lumber used structurally shall be marked clearly as to grade and species by an approved agency.
(H) Section 113.1. As modified by § 101.1 of the State Basic Building Code which prohibits any person, firm, or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing, improving, moving or demolishing any building or structure without first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Building Official and provides that the Building Official must examine all plans and specifications for the proposed construction when application is made to him for a building permit, § 113.1 is amended as follows:
(1) The Building Official shall review all building permit applications for new construction or substantial improvements to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. If a proposed building site is in a location that has a flood hazard, any proposed new construction or substantial improvement, including prefabricated and mobile homes, must be designed or modified and anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure; must use construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage; and must use construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage.
(2) The Building Official and/or City Engineer shall review subdivision proposals and other proposed new developments to assure that all such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage, all public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located, elevated, and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage, and adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards.
(3) The Building Official and/or City Engineer shall require new or replacement water supply systems and/or sanitary sewage systems to be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters, and require on-site waste disposal systems to be located so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during flooding.
(1967 Code, § 5-2) (Ord. passed 4-21-1975)