17.16.020   Permitted uses.
   In the R-M multi-family residential zones, the following uses are permitted by right:
   A.   Existing one-family dwellings;
   B.   Multi-family dwellings up to eighty (80) dwelling units per site;
   C.   Fruit, vegetable and horticultural husbandry;
   D.   Swimming pools used only by residents on the site and their guests, provided that no swimming pool or accessory mechanical equipment shall be located in a required front yard or in a required side yard;
   E.   Temporary subdivision sales offices;
   F.   Licensed day care for a maximum of fourteen (14) children in addition to the residing family, situated within an existing single-family dwelling;
   G.   Twenty-four (24) hour care facilities or foster homes for a maximum of six individuals in addition to the residing family;
   H.   Signs subject to the provision of Chapter 17.48;
   I.   The keeping of household pets, subject to the definition of household pets set forth in Section 17.04.030;
   J.   Adult day care for a maximum of twelve (12) individuals in addition to the residing family, situated within an existing single-family dwelling;
   K.   Other uses similar in nature and intensity as determined by the city planner;
   L.   Transitional housing or supportive housing as those terms are defined in Section 17.04.030;
   M.   Single-room occupancy (SRO), as follows:
   1.   Up to fifteen (15) units per gross acre in the R-M-2 zone district;
   2.   Up to thirty-five (35) units per gross acre in the R-M-3 zone district.
   N.   Senior citizen residential developments, meeting city standards and having a density in the Medium Density Residential range of ten (10) to fifteen (15) housing units per acre in the R-M-2 zone district or having a density in the High Density Residential range of fifteen (15) to thirty-five (35) housing units per acre in the R-M-3 zone district;
   O.   Employee housing as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 17008.
(Ord. 2020-09 (part), 2020; Ord. 2017-13 (part), 2017: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2012-02, 2012: Ord. 9717 § 2 (part), 1997: Ord. 9605 § 30, 1996: prior code § 7291)