General Provisions
50.01 Definition of trash
50.02 Trash collection services
50.03 Authorized containers
50.04 Requirements for trash collection pickup
50.05 Limitations on trash eligible for collection
50.06 Revenues; special fund
50.07 Commercial entities and multi-unit dwelling
50.08 Violations
50.09 Recycling
50.10 Household hazardous waste list
50.20 Dumping or littering upon streets, sidewalks or other public places
50.21 Sweeping litter into gutters prohibited
50.22 Duty to keep sidewalks free of litter
50.23 Throwing litter from vehicles prohibited
50.24 Trucks causing litter
50.25 Litter in parks and lakes
50.26 Litter on private property
50.27 Posting of notices
50.28 Clearing of litter from private property by city
Debris and Junk
50.40 Definition of debris and junk
50.41 Debris and junk collection services
50.42 Debris and junk on private property
50.43 Duty to keep sidewalks free of debris and junk
50.44 Clearing of debris and junk from private property by city
50.99 Penalty
Ordinance Violations Bureau, see Ch. 36