(A) Upon receipt of license commercial hauler shall post a $150 performance bond or cash deposit as liquidated damages with the City Clerk.
(B) This bond will be forfeited and license revoked should any of the stipulations in this subchapter be violated.
(C) At the time of forfeiture of the bond, and revocation of the license, the commercial hauler shall cease all operation of any hauling services within the city limits.
(D) Upon the posting of a new performance bond of $200 the license shall be reinstated and inner city hauling may resume.
(E) Each time the performance bond is forfeited for any reason, the new bond amount shall increase $50. (i.e., first offense new bond shall be $200, second offense new bond shall be $250, third offense new bond shall be $300.
(F) Upon the third forfeiture of bond and revocation of license the commercial hauler will be required to obtain the permission of the Board of Public Works and Safety before resuming hauling operations within the city limits.
(G) Upon completion of 12 consecutive months with no further forfeiture of bond or revocation of license the performance bond rate shall revert to the base rate of $150.
(Ord. 8-93, passed 5-10-93; Am. Ord. 7-2005, passed 6-13-05)
(A) All commercial haulers shall be required to provide their customers with a written service agreement to include a written and signed (by the customer and commercial hauler) stipulation regarding the placement of trash containers. This agreement shall also include the day of the scheduled service and shall stipulate that the customer's containers shall be kept out of public view when not being placed out for pickup, that containers cannot be set out in public view more than two hours prior to sundown (dusk) on the date preceding scheduled trash collection and that containers must be removed from public view within 12 hours following the scheduled trash collection day. It shall also be stated that it is a violation of this subchapter to place garbage or rubbish in such a manner as to allow same to be blown by the wind onto the property of other residents or that allows dogs, cats or other animals to tear open bags or scatter trash in any manner.
(B) It shall be the commercial haulers responsibility to enforce their service agreements with their customers.
(C) Failure to enforce this commercial hauler/customer service agreement shall result in the forfeiture of the said commercial hauler's performance bond and license can be revoked.
(Ord. 8-93, passed 5-10-93; Am. Ord. 7-2005, passed 6-13-05)
(A) The firm for the handling of collection of trash shall be of good character and give evidence that the equipment used by them is adequate for the purpose intended. The firm shall have a truck or trucks which shall be so designed that garbage or rubbish which is collected will be covered at all times, except in the loading of garbage or rubbish. The trucks and all containers in which garbage is collected shall be kept clean.
(B) A garbage truck or other equipment shall not be washed on city streets and will not be washed where the waste waters will cause any offensive odors to adjoining property owners.
(C) It shall be unlawful to place garbage or rubbish in such a manner as to allow same to be blown by the wind onto the property of other residents or that allows dogs, cats or other animals to tear open bags or otherwise scatter trash.
(D) It shall be unlawful to deposit or permit to fall from any vehicle, any garbage or refuse on any public street or alley in the city; provided that this subchapter shall not be construed to prohibit placing garbage or refuse in a container complying with the provisions of this subchapter preparatory to having such material collected and disposed of in the manner provided herein.
(E) All wagons or vehicles engaged in hauling and conveying of garbage, rubbish or other debris within the city limits shall bear the name and address of the person engaged in the business, and shall further be labeled as to the contents being hauled by the vehicle and the city license number, such name and label to be printed or stamped on the vehicle in letters of not less than two inches in size.
(Ord. 8-93, passed 5-10-93; Am. Ord. 7-2005, passed 6-13-05)
(A) Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to prevent or regulate the hauling of rubbish or refuse from industrial processes, from construction projects or other matter not normally collected on a regular schedule and haulers of rubbish, not normally collected in regular collections, shall be excused from the requirements of obtaining a collector's license as provided in this subchapter. However, any industry or construction debris hauler must post the required $150 performance bond as herein described in the above.
(B) This performance bond shall be forfeited if the commercial construction or industrial hauler is found to be in violation of any of the stipulations described in this subchapter.
(C) Upon forfeiture of the performance bond due to noncompliance the construction/industrial hauler will post another $150 plus an additional $50 each time it is forfeited.
(D) Upon the third forfeiture of the performance bond the construction/industrial hauler will be required to obtain the approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety before they may resume hauling construction/industrial debris or refuse of any type within the city limits.
(Ord. 8-93, passed 5-10-93; Am. Ord. 7-2005, passed 6-13-05)
Commercial trash haulers are required to purchase a permit from the City Inspector's office to place or locate a dumpster on any city property or public property.
(Ord. 5-2010, passed 5-24-10) Penalty, see § 115.99
To place or locate a dumpster on city property or public property, the dumpster must be located within six inches of the curb, cannot block crosswalks, cannot block driveways other than lessee driveway. Dumpster must be located in front of the lessee's residence or business. Dumpsters cannot be located on sidewalks. No dumpster shall be placed in front of a yellow no parking curb.
(Ord. 5-2010, passed 5-24-10) Penalty, see § 115.99