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General Provisions
   32.001   Application of subchapter provisions
   32.002   Appointments
   32.003   Term of office
   32.004   Officer responsible for day-to-day operation of city
   32.005   Vacancies
   32.006   Duty to turn money received over to city
   32.007   Oath
   32.008   Salaries
   32.009   Assignment to duties
   32.010   Records
   32.011   Bond
   32.012   Delivery of books, records and the like to successor
   32.013   Impersonation of officer
   32.014   Interference with officers
   32.015   Inspections by city officers
   32.016   Nepotism
   32.017   Travel expense policy
The Mayor
   32.030   Election
   32.031   General duties
   32.032   Appointment of officers generally
   32.033   Specific appointive powers
   32.034   Designation of officers’ duties
   32.035   Mayor Pro Tem
   32.036   Acting Mayor
   32.037   Responsibilities at receptions and the like
   32.038   Bond
   32.039   Assistant to the Mayor as Local Liquor Control Commissioner
The City Clerk
   32.050   Election; term
   32.051   Compensation
   32.052   Bond
   32.053   Duty to seal, attest documents
   32.054   Duty to turn money over to City Treasurer
   32.055   Duty to keep accounts
   32.056   Records
   32.057   Custodian of city seal; use
   32.058   Custodian of documents
   32.059   Duty to keep indexes to documents
   32.060   Ex officio comptroller
   32.061   Duties relating to committees and meetings
   32.062   Additional duties
   32.063   Vacancy
   32.064   Appointment of Deputy Clerk
The City Treasurer
   32.080   Election; term
   32.081   Compensation
   32.082   Bond
   32.083   General duties of City Treasurer
   32.084   Monthly accounts; warrants; vouchers; register
   32.085   Permitted investments
   32.086   Deposit of funds; qualification of depository
   32.087   Transfer of funds to new depository
   32.088   Personal use of funds
   32.089   Duty to attend Council meetings; assist Council
   32.090   Duty to keep records
   32.091   Auditing computer process
   32.092   Monthly, annual reports
   32.093   Payment of bills
   32.094   Custody of City Clerk’s bond
   32.095   Deputy Treasurer
The City Attorney
   32.110   Office created; appointment
   32.111   Duty to give city legal advice and opinions
   32.112   Duty to prosecute and defend suits
   32.113   Duty to enforce judgments
   32.114   Special assessments; condemnations
   32.115   Drafting ordinances and documents
   32.116   Employment of additional counsel
Other Appointed City Personnel
   32.125   Director of Public Works
   32.126   Freedom of Information Act Officer
   32.127   Building Inspector
   32.128   City Administrator
   32.129   Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator
   32.130   Community Service Officer/Animal Control Officer
Prevailing Wage Act
   32.145   Prevailing wages
Statutory reference:
   City Attorney, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-30-5
   City Treasurer, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 3.1-35-40 et seq.
   Mayor, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-35-10
   Mayor pro tem, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-35-35
   Officers and employees, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 10-4-1