Toledo Police Command Officers' Association
2109.01   Toledo Police Command Officers' Association Recognition.
2109.02   Classifications.
2109.03   Other Agreements.
2109.04   Authorization Card.
2109.05   Credit Union.
2109.06   Savings Bonds, United Way, and Community Shares.
2109.07   Command Officers' Life Insurance Fund.
2109.08   Association Dues Deductions.
2109.09   Deferred Compensation.
2109.10   Pledge Against Discrimination and Coercion.
2109.11   Representatives.
2109.12   Association Business.
2109.13   Rights to Visit.
2109.14   Grievance Procedure.
2109.15   Expedited Labor Arbitration Rules.
2109.16   Command Officers' Bill of Rights.
2109.17   Drug Testing.
2109.18   Relief From Duty.
2109.19   Suspension and Disciplinary Action.
2109.20   Reprimand.
2109.21   Retraining.
2109.22   Personal Service Records.
2109.23   Record Retention.
2109.24   Resignation.
2109.25   Seniority.
2109.26   Seniority During Military Service.
2109.27   Seniority During Industrial Disability.
2109.28   Promotions.
2109.29   Performance Evaluation.
2109.30   Vacancies.
2109.31   Layoff Procedure.
2109.32   Recall From Layoff.
2109.33   Posting Vacancies-Schools.
2109.34   Command Officers Reassigned.
2109.35   Acting Time.
2109.36   Personal Leave Up to 5 Days.
2109.37   Personal Leave up to 30 Days and 30 Days or More.
2109.38   Fringe Benefits/Leave.
2109.39   Falsification of Request.
2109.40   Military Leave.
2109.41   Maternity Leave.
2109.42   Sick or Injury Leave.
2109.43   Workday.
2109.44   Work Schedules.
2109.45   Shift Selection.
2109.46   Starting Time.
2109.47   Quitting Time.
2109.48   Work in Excess of Regular Workdays.
2109.49   Court Appearance Time.
2109.50   Compensatory Time.
2109.51   Holiday Overtime.
2109.52   Overtime Captains.
2109.53   Recall-Special Events.
2109.54   Accumulation of Sick Days.
2109.55   Bonus Days.
2109.56   Sick Pay Usage.
2109.57   Reporting Proof of Illness.
2109.58   Sick Pay Extension.
2109.59   Injury Pay.
2109.60   Disability Assignments.
2109.61   Maternity Pay.
2109.62   Report to Physician Designated by the City.
2109.63   Death Benefit.
2109.64   Hospitalization-Prescriptive Drug-Dental Insurance.
2109.65   The Police and Fireman's Disability and Pension Fund.
2109.66   Safety Equipment and Welfare.
2109.67   Provisions for Safety.
2109.68   Vacations.
2109.69   Paid Holidays.
2109.70   Funeral Pay.
2109.71   Jury Duty.
2109.72   Military Pay.
2109.73   Unemployment Compensation.
2109.74   Compensated Time as Time Worked.
2109.75   Wage Rates.
2109.76   Career Enhancement Program.
2109.77   Educational Reimbursement.
2109.78   Clothing Allowance.
2109.79   Overnight Pay.
2109.80   Travel Allowance.
2109.81   Termination and Severance Pay.
2109.82   Shift Premium.
2109.83   Stress Allowance.
2109.84   Time Bank.
2109.85   Payday.
2109.86   Rules and Regulations.
2109.87   Retirement.
2109.88   Retirement - Service Weapon.
2109.89   Other Employment Compatibility.
2109.90   Trade Days Off.
2109.91   Fatal Force/Mortal Wounding.
2109.92   Administrative Responsibility.
2109.93   Savings Clause.
2109.94   Continuation of Services.
2109.95   Wellness and Fitness.
2109.96   Mid-Term Bargaining.
2109.97   Termination.
   Council to fix compensation of all City officers and employees-see CHTR. § 53
   Maximum hours of work-see CHTR. § 55
   Oath of officers and employees-see CHTR. § 64
   Contract interest-see CHTR. § 65
   Suspension in Police Division-see CHTR. § 143
   Appeal to Civil Service Commission-see CHTR. § 144
   Suspension of Police Chief-see CHTR. § 145
   Abuse of political influence-see CHTR. § 179
   Toledo Police Patrolmen's Association-see P.R. & M.E. Ch. 2129
   Personnel injury claims-see P.R. & M.E. Ch. 2141
   Employee bonds-see P.R. & M.E. Ch. 2145
(Ord. 384-12)