In situations involving a special event where substantial numbers of officers are required to work on an overtime basis, and the Police Department has knowledge or reasonably should have known about the event, with a minimum of (3) three weeks planning time available, the following Special Events Recall procedure will be utilized.
A request for volunteers will be distributed to the entire Department. Any officer who has a complete uniform, is fit for duty, and whose regular assignment will not interfere with the overtime assignment, may volunteer to work. Bids will be published asking for volunteers with the Command Officers listing order of preference for the day and shift available. Preference will be assigned by seniority first and then equalization of overtime to follow.
In selecting officers to work this voluntary overtime assignment, seniority in rank will be used. First preference will be given to officers regularly assigned to the Field Operations Bureau. If not enough officers have volunteered from the Field Operations Bureau, volunteers from other Bureaus will be used for the remainder of the positions.
If there are not enough officers to fill the required positions, the remaining positions will be filled by canceling days off of officers within the Field Operations Bureau, on a reverse seniority basis, from among Command Officers whose regular assignment will not interfere with the overtime assignment.
Command Officers shall not be ordered to work recall on a day they have scheduled for vacation or compensatory time off. For the purpose of this provision, any regularly scheduled days off at the beginning or end of the Command Officer's vacation shall be considered as part of the vacation period.
The Command Officer would be eligible for voluntary recall if his shift hours do not conflict with the recall overtime hours.
Command Officers on a day off because of trades with self of overtime day off would be eligible for recall only if there weren't enough volunteers within the Bureau. However, trade with self and overtime day off would be given recall before Command Officers from other Bureaus. Command Officers who volunteer from other Bureaus will be used before forced recall. If there weren't enough volunteers from the affected Bureau, then reverse seniority recall would be used in that Bureau.
Every attempt will be made to equalize overtime on an event basis. Overtime worked during one special event will not be used in the equalization of overtime for other special events, or for the regular recall procedures. A special event may entail more than one (1) day. Events such as the three (3) day Labor Day weekend will be considered one event for the purpose of this procedure.
When there is a special event and Patrol Officers are ordered to work, Command Officers who have volunteered for the event shall be utilized. All Command Officers applying for an event will be bound by the conditions for the available positions.