2109.21 Retraining.
   Counseling is not a disciplinary step and should not be used when employees are in direct violation of Department guidelines, policies, rules and procedures. Counseling shall be regarded as a suitable step of retraining dealing with employees who, by their actions have shown lack of understanding of Department guidelines, policies, rules and procedures. It is to be understood that counseling is to be considered as retraining and shall not be used in a punitive nature (i.e. considered negatively when the Command Officer is being considered for promotion or assignment transfer).
   When it becomes necessary for a supervisor to counsel an employee, it shall be done in private in a manner which will not cause embarrassment to the employee. The employee shall be made aware that a record of such counseling is being maintained in the supervisor's files or records and the employee shall be given a copy of the supervisor's notation. The employee shall acknowledge receipt of same by signing and dating the original copy.
   All counseling records shall be removed from files after a period of one (1) year from date of issuance.