General Provisions
   160.001   Title
   160.002   Purpose
   160.003   Empowerment to zone
   160.004   Compliance
   160.005   Applicability to existing regulations
   160.006   Definitions
Zoning Districts, Uses and Area Regulations
   160.020   Establishment of zoning districts
   160.021   Zoning district map description; interpretation
   160.022   Newly annexed territory
   160.023   Summary of area regulations
   160.024   District A, Single-Family Residential
   160.025   District A-1, Single-Family Residential
   160.026   District A-2, Patio Homes
   160.027   District B, Single-Family Attached, Duplex Residential
   160.028   District B-1, Townhouse Residential
   160.029   District C, Multi-Family Residential
   160.030   District C-1, Multi-Family Residential
   160.031   District MH, Mobile Home
   160.032   District O-P, Office-Professional
   160.033   District D, Neighborhood Service
   160.034   District D-1, Limited Service
   160.035   District E, General Business
   160.036   District E-1, Central Business
   160.037   District E-2, Freeway Commercial
   160.038   District E-3, Outdoor Commercial
   160.039   District E-4, Commercial Warehouse
   160.040   District LGBD, Limited General Business District
   160.041   District F, Light Industrial
   160.042   District F-1, Outdoor Industrial
   160.043   District P-I, Planned Industrial
   160.044   District G, Waterfront
   160.045   District G-2, Recreational Waterfront
   160.046   District IBD, Industrial Business District
   160.047   District CIMU, Commercial/Industrial/Mixed Use for the Dickinson Bayou Transition Area
   160.048   District H, Heavy Industrial
   160.049   District O, Open Space
   160.050   District I (PUD), Planned Unit Development
   160.051   District S-P, Site Plan
   160.052   Environmental Overlay District
   160.053   Development plan
   160.054   Sixth Street Revitalization District
“GWY” Gateway Overlay District
   160.065   Intent and purpose
   160.066   Principal and accessory uses
   160.067   Screening requirements
   160.068   Miscellaneous requirements
   160.069   Location of the Gateway Overlay District
Supplemental Provisions and Requirements
   160.080   Temporary uses
   160.081   Off-street parking requirements
   160.082   Off-street loading requirements
   160.083   Accessory buildings
   160.084   Required screening
   160.085   Corner lots
   160.086   Projections into required yards
   160.087   Alternative standards
   160.088   Landscaping requirements
   160.089   Non-conforming uses
   160.090   Height regulations
   160.091   Front, side and rear yard regulations and exceptions
   160.092   Completion and restoration of existing buildings
   160.093   Gasoline or diesel storage tanks
Administration and Enforcement
   160.105   Zoning Commission and Planning Board
   160.106   Procedure for zoning change and amendments
   160.107   Fees
   160.108   Protest
   160.109   Enforcement
   160.110   Board of Adjustment
   160.111   Permits
   160.112   Certificate of occupancy
   160.113   Interpretation and intent
   160.114   Savings clause
   160.115   Repealing clause
   160.116   Emergency
   160.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Illustrations
§ 160.001 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the “Revised Zoning Ordinance of the City of Texas City”.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-1)
§ 160.002 PURPOSE.
   The zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been adopted for the following purposes:
   (A)   To promote the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the city;
   (B)   To ensure the safe, orderly, and efficient development and expansion of the city in accordance with, and pursuant to its Comprehensive Plan;
   (C)   To lessen congestion in the streets;
   (D)   To secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers;
   (E)   To provide adequate light and air;
   (F)   To prevent the overcrowding of land;
   (G)   To avoid the undue concentration of population;
   (H)   To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements;
   (I)   To conserve, protect, develop and utilize natural resources in keeping with the public interest;
   (J)   To protect and conserve the value of land and buildings throughout the city, and to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings; and
   (K)   To promote a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-2)
   (A)   The City Commission, as the governing body of the city, shall have such authority as is consistent with state law, the Charter of the city and the code of ordinances, to initiate, undertake and decide all legislative matters pertaining to the regulation of the use and development of the land.
   (B)   This chapter shall be drawn with reasonable consideration to the character of each district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and to encourage the most appropriate use of land. The regulations in this chapter shall be uniform throughout each district for each class, or kind of buildings or structures, or uses of land, but the regulations in one district may differ from those in other districts.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-3)
§ 160.004 COMPLIANCE.
   All development of land within the incorporated boundaries of the city shall conform to the requirements of this chapter, and no person may use, occupy, sell or develop land, buildings or appurtenances or authorize or permit the use, occupancy, sale or development of land, buildings or appurtenances under his or her control, except in accordance with all applicable provisions of this chapter. Within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, no person may sell, develop or authorize or permit the sale or development of land, except in accordance with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-4)