(A) Purpose. District C is intended to be comprised of multi-family dwelling units for relatively high density residential neighborhood developments. The uses should not generate traffic through single-family residential neighborhoods and should be located adjacent to arterial or collector size streets capable of carrying the additional traffic they will generate.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Duplexes;
(2) Triplexes;
(3) Fourplexes;
(4) Multi-family dwellings;
(5) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers;
(6) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(7) Governmental buildings; and
(8) Public utility uses.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage, carport and paved automobile parking areas for the use of tenants or visitors;
(2) Cabana, pavilion, manager’s office, meeting, exercise, party and/or social rooms or buildings incidental to the principal use;
(3) Swimming pool, sauna or hot tub, as an accessory to the principal use;
(4) Tennis courts and other recreational facilities, as an accessory to the principal use;
(5) Laundry room for use of tenants; and
(6) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 36 feet or 3 stories |
Maximum lot coverage by driveways and parking | 70% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 50% |
Maximum residential density | 25 units per acre |
Minimum distance between structure | 20 feet |
Minimum front yard: | |
One- and two-story frontage | 25 feet |
Three-story frontage | 75 feet |
Minimum rear yard: | |
One- and two-story frontage | 20 feet |
Three-story | 30 feet |
Minimum side yard: | |
One- and two-story frontage | 20 feet |
Three-story | 30 feet |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 80 feet |
(E) Parking requirements.
(1) For duplex, triplex or fourplex structures, two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per unit.
(2) For multi-family dwellings, parking shall be provided at the following ratios:
Efficiency or one bedroom units, spaces per unit | 1.75 |
Two-bedroom units, spaces per unit | 2 |
Three-bedroom units, spaces per unit | 2.5 |
Four-bedroom or greater units, spaces per unit | 3 |
(3) At least 45% of the required parking must be covered or enclosed garages.
(4) At least 10% of the required parking must be enclosed garages.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines unless that area is adjacent to a C or C-1 District(s).
(G) Useable open space and landscaping requirements.
(1) Each lot or tract of land used for multi-family development purposes, shall provide useable open space (as defined in § 160.006 of this chapter) totaling at least 20% of the area of the lot or tract.
(2) A landscape border, a minimum of ten feet in width, shall be placed adjacent to all public streets. This landscape area shall not be in the street right-of-way. One tree of three-inch caliper per 500 square feet of landscape border is required.
(3) One tree of three-inch caliper per 2,000 square feet of useable open space is required.
(4) The landscape border requirement can be used to meet the requirements of useable open space landscaping.
(5) Required landscaping shall be in conformance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-22) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 2023-18, passed 5-15-2023)
(A) Purpose. District C-1 is intended to be comprised of multi-family dwelling units for medium density residential neighborhood developments. The uses should not generate traffic through single-family residential neighborhoods, and should be located adjacent to arterial or collector size streets capable of carrying the additional traffic they will generate.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Duplexes;
(2) Triplexes;
(3) Fourplexes;
(4) Multi-family dwellings;
(5) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers;
(6) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(7) Governmental buildings and uses; and
(8) Public utility uses.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage, carport and paved automobile parking areas for the use of tenants or visitors;
(2) Cabana, pavilion, manager’s office, meeting, exercise, party and/or social rooms or buildings incidental to the principal use;
(3) Swimming pool, sauna or hot tub, as an accessory to the principal use;
(4) Tennis courts and other recreational facilities, as an accessory to the principal use;
(5) Laundry room for use of tenants; and
(6) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 25 feet or 2 stories |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 50% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 70% |
Maximum residential density | 18 units per acre |
Minimum distance between structures | 20 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 80 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | 20 feet |
(E) Parking requirements.
(1) For duplex, triplex or fourplex structures, two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per unit.
(2) For multi-family dwellings, parking shall be provided at the following ratios:
Efficiency or one bedroom units, spaces per unit | 1.75 |
Two-bedroom units, spaces per unit | 2 |
Three-bedroom units, spaces per unit | 2.5 |
Four-bedroom or greater units, spaces per unit | 3 |
(3) At least 45% of the required parking must be covered or enclosed garages.
(4) At least 10% of the required parking must be enclosed garages.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines unless that area is adjacent to a C or C-1 District(s).
(G) Useable open space and landscaping requirements.
(1) Each lot or tract of land used for multi-family development purposes, shall provide useable open space (as defined in § 160.006 of this chapter) totaling at least 20% of the area of the lot or tract.
(2) A landscape border, a minimum of ten feet in width, shall be placed adjacent to all public streets. This landscape area shall not be in the street right-of-way. One tree of three-inch caliper per 500 square feet of landscape border is required.
(3) One tree of three-inch caliper per 2,000 square feet of useable open space is required.
(4) The landscape border requirement can be used to meet the requirements of useable open space landscaping.
(5) Required landscaping shall be in conformance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-23) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 2023-18, passed 5-15-2023)
(A) Purpose. District MH is intended to provide for the development of mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions where the type of housing can be placed in a coordinated development with appropriate standards for density and spacing.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family mobile homes situated in a mobile home park; and
(2) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Mobile home rental office;
(2) Swimming pool;
(3) Laundry room for use by tenants;
(4) Cabana, pavilion or roofed area;
(5) Meeting, party and/or social rooms;
(6) Common and centrally located enclosed storage area serving all units; and
(7) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum area of mobile home park or subdivision | 25 acres |
Maximum height | 15 feet |
Minimum area of mobile home park or subdivision | 5 acres |
Minimum distance between mobile homes | 20 feet |
Minimum front yard: | |
Of private drive | 15 feet |
Of public street | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area per unit | 4,840 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 95 feet |
Minimum lot width | 40 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 10 feet |
Minimum side yard | 5 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per mobile home.
(F) Open space requirements.
(1) There shall be provided within the park, outside of unit plots or lots, a separate useable open space area for recreational purposes.
(2) The minimum area of the useable open space area shall be at a ratio of 500 square feet for each of the first 20 units and 250 square feet per unit for all additional units.
(3) Outdoor swimming pool or pools may be included in satisfying these requirements.
(4) The area in front, side or rear yards may not be utilized in satisfying this requirement.
(G) Special conditions.
(1) Any land zoned District M-H (Mobile Home) and used as a mobile home park shall also meet all requirements of Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances.
(2) Should there be any conflict between the regulations of this chapter and the regulations of Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances, the more restrictive regulation shall apply.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-24)
(A) Purpose. District O-P is intended to provide for low to moderate intensity office and professional uses which provide a service rather than sell products. The uses in this district should not have an adverse effect on adjacent residential areas nor create excessive amounts of traffic. All uses are to be conducted within an enclosed building.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Administrative offices;
(2) Business and commercial schools;
(3) Financial institutions;
(4) Governmental buildings and uses;
(5) Medical and dental clinics and offices;
(6) Radio, TV stations, excluding towers;
(7) Schools and studios for art, dancing, drama, music, photography and for any business and commercial service; and
(8) Veterinary clinics where all activities are conducted within a totally enclosed building.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
(2) Any accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district such a pharmacy, optical company or eating establishment which is established for the convenience of the occupants and clients of the primary use and is also located within the same building;
(3) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use; and
(4) Signs, advertising services provided on the same premises.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 40% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 90% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 12 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area | 6,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum rear yard | 15 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet or 10% of depth of lot, whichever is greater |
Minimum side yard | 10 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-28) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
(A) Purpose. District D is intended to provide for office and retail services in proximity to residential areas in which all principal uses are conducted indoors. While the uses allowed in this district are intended to be located adjacent to residential areas, the character of the residential areas should not be adversely impacted.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Any use permitted in the O-P (Office-Professional) District subject to the regulations of District D;
(2) Retail stores and food markets completely within an enclosed building;
(3) Personal and professional services including barber and beauty shops and dry cleaning;
(4) Minor repair shops such as bicycles, shoe and watch repair; automotive repair excluded;
(5) Cafés, restaurant or cafeterias, where there are not provisions or facilities for the serving or consumption of liquor, and where there is not floor show or other form of entertainment;
(6) Automobile service stations; and
(7) Washaterias.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
(2) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use; and
(3) Signs advertising services provided on the same premises.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 90% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 40% |
Maximum size of retail, retail strip centers or shopping centers per lot or tract | 25,000 square feet |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 12 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area | 6,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum rear yard | 10 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet |
Minimum side yard | 10 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet |
If adjacent to street | 25 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-29) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
(A) Purpose. District D-1 is intended to provide for uses in the O-P (Office-Professional) District in addition to a limited number of other services which are compatible to adjacent residential area, provided that adequate screening and other protective measures are taken.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Any use permitted in the O-P (Office-Professional) District subject to the regulations of district D-1;
(2) Day care centers or day nurseries which do not operate between the hours of midnight to 6:00 a.m.;
(3) Licensed group day care home which provides care between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
(4) Nursing homes; and
(5) Kindergartens.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
(2) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses; and
(3) Signs advertising services provided on the same premises.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 90% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 40% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 12 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area | 6,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum rear yard | 15 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet or 10% of depth of lot, whichever is greater |
Minimum side yard | 10 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 15 feet |
If adjacent to street | 25 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Special conditions. Signs advertising the services contained within a lot or tract must be located on one common ground, pole or monument sign. The sign shall not exceed 13 feet in height.
(I) Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-30) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)