(A) Purpose. District G is intended to accommodate limited heavy commercial and industrial uses which utilize port and shore areas. Consideration should be given to the potential impact of these uses on adjacent areas.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Docks;
(2) Loading and unloading facilities (rail and water);
(3) Marine ways;
(4) Piers;
(5) Slips;
(6) Warehouses; and
(7) Wharves.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal uses;
(2) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use;
(3) Signs advertising services provided on the same premises; and
(4) Office space used in conjunction with a principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 75 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 95% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 60% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 15 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area | None |
Minimum lot depth | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum rear yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 25 feet |
Minimum side yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 25 feet |
If adjacent to street | 25 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal coastal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-42)
(A) Purpose. District G-2 is intended to provide for recreational and tourism type uses which utilize the city’s waterfront and the dike. This district is not designed to accommodate industrial uses.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Piers;
(2) Slips;
(3) Recreational boat rental and storage;
(4) Restaurants;
(5) Marinas;
(6) Retail sales, totally within an enclosed building; and
(7) Yachts.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
(2) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses;
(3) Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
(4) Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
(5) Gasoline sales as an accessory to a principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 30 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 90% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 50% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 15 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area | 10,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 80 feet |
Minimum lot width | 80 feet |
Minimum rear yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 25 feet |
Minimum side yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 25 feet |
If adjacent to street | 25 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal coastal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-43) (Ord. 16-18, passed 6-1-2016)
(A) Purpose. IBD is located adjacent and north of the heavy industrial complex south of FM 1765. It is intended to promote high quality light industrial development that provides services dependent and complimentary to the adjacent heavy industrial complex. It is recognized that certain special standards relative to land use, setbacks, signage and the like are appropriate for the area.
(B) Principal uses. Equipment storage and rental, outdoor storage and lay down yards, fabrication shops, warehousing, material and supply sales, office and parking.
(C) Accessory uses. Impervious cover not to exceed 50% which will be landscaped in accordance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-44) (Ord. 06-24, passed 6-7-2006)
(A) Principal uses allowed are: D, O-P, E, E-4, F, F-1, PI, G, G-2. (Residential housing when and where appropriate may be allowed. Must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and obtain Planning Board, zoning and City Commission approval.)
(B) Impervious cover not to exceed 85% with the remaining area to be landscaped in accordance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(C) Area and height regulations:
Maximum height | 75 feet |
If proposed use is adjacent to property with a residential dwelling the maximum height of structure | 35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 60% |
Maximum lot covers by structures, driveways and parking | 85% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 30 feet |
Minimum front yard | 40 feet |
Minimum lot area | 10,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 150 feet |
Minimum lot width | 80 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 40 feet if adjacent to residential property |
Minimum side yard | 10 feet |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential use | 70 feet |
If adjacent to street | 50 feet |
(E) Fences, walls, berms and/or heavy landscape and foliage may be used for screening if property adjacent or in near proximity to existing residents. The design and amount of screening will be determined based on proposed activity, distance to residents and density of residents.
(F) Landscape requirements at 15% of area to be developed.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-45) (Ord. 08-05, passed 1-16-2008)
(A) Purpose. District H is intended to provide for the development of intensive industrial and manufacturing activities. The noise, smoke, odor, vibration and/or traffic typically generated by these uses require adequate buffering from adjacent areas with particular emphasis on nearby residential areas. The permitted uses are considered to be the least compatible with other uses within the community.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Any use permitted in the F (Light Industrial), F-1 (Outdoor Industrial) and G (Waterfront) Districts, subject to the regulations of District H;
(2) The manufacturing, processing, distributing and/or storage of any material or product from processed or raw materials including, but not limited to, chemicals, petrochemicals or mineral extracts;
(3) Shipyards;
(4) Railroad and railway facilities; and
(5) Any other manufacturing, industrial or storage use not now or hereafter prohibited by this chapter or any other ordinance of the city.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
(2) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use;
(3) Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
(4) Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
(5) Laboratories and shops incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 75 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 95% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 70% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 20 feet |
Minimum front yard | 50 feet |
Minimum lot area | 20,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 100 feet |
Minimum rear yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 50 feet |
Minimum side yard | None |
If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses | 50 feet |
If adjacent to street | 50 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(G) Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(H) Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-46)
(A) Purpose. District O is intended to provide for land within the corporate limits of the city which are not subdivided and/or are relatively undeveloped. This district is designed to promote orderly, timely, economical growth and to recognize current conditions. It is anticipated that all O districts will be rezoned to other zoning classifications as the city proceeds toward full development.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family dwellings;
(2) Barns, stables, for keeping private stock;
(3) Golf courses and country clubs (publicly or privately owned);
(4) Farms and crop production;
(5) Truck gardens;
(6) Greenhouses, excluding sales;
(7) Pasturage;
(8) Private riding academy;
(9) Governmental buildings and uses;
(10) Public utility uses; and
(11) Public parks and recreation areas.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garages;
(2) Private swimming pools;
(3) Home occupation; and
(4) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 2.5 stories or 35 feet |
Maximum height of accessory structure | 2 stories or 25 feet |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 40% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures | 20% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 10 feet |
Minimum front yard | 50 feet |
Minimum lot area | 2 acres |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 80 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | 15 feet |
If adjacent to street | 25 feet |
(E) Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
(F) Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-47)
(A) Purpose.
(1) The (PD) Planned Development District is intended to provide for combining and mixing uses into integral land use units such as industrial parks; industrial, office and commercial centers; residential developments with multiple or mixed housing types; or any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units, whether by a single owner or a combination of owners.
(2) After a public hearing has been convened and proper notice to all affected property owners has been made in accordance with provisions of this chapter, and after a recommendation by the Planning Board and Zoning Commission has been submitted, the City Commission may authorize the creation of a (PD) Planned Development District on:
(a) Residential developments on tracts of 20 acres or more;
(b) Mixed use developments on tracts of 20 acres or more; or
(c) Developments on tracts of less than 20 acres when the Planning Board, Zoning Commission and City Commission have determined that the area to be rezoned cannot be rezoned to any other zoning district without creating the potential of adversely affecting adjacent properties.
(B) General provisions.
(1) Permitted uses. The uses to be permitted in any specific (PD) Planned Development District shall be enumerated in the ordinance that creates such district. Any proposed amendment to the uses permitted within a specific (PD) Planned Development District shall be submitted and processed in accordance with division (E) below.
(2) Procedure.
(a) The steps necessary to request creation of a (PD) Planned Development District shall be as follows:
1. Preapplication conference between the applicant and the Director of Transportation and Planning or his or her designee for presentation and discussion of a preliminary drawing (reference division (C) below); and
2. Submission of the formal application form for a change of zoning with all required material.
(b) Every (PD) Planned Development District approved under the provisions of this chapter shall be considered an amendment to this chapter and applicable only to the property involved.
(c) In carrying out the development of a (PD) Planned Development District, the development conditions and the development schedule shall be complied with. Such conditions as are specified for the development of a (PD) Planned Development District shall not be construed as conditions precedent to the approval of the zoning amendment, but shall be construed as conditions precedent to the granting of a certificate of occupancy by the city.
(C) Preapplication requirements.
(1) Preapplication conference.
(a) An applicant for a Planned Development District (PD) shall schedule a preapplication conference with the Director of Transportation and Planning or his or her designated representative prior to the formal submission of the application materials. At the preapplication conference, the applicant shall provide a preliminary drawing that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Delineation of site boundaries;
2. General site layout indicating relationship of proposed land uses, parking and street layout(s);
3. Proposed residential development densities;
4. Approximate gross square footage of non-residential uses where applicable;
5. Projected building heights;
6. General topographic conditions;
7. Significant environmental features, including floodplains and watercourses; and
8. Delineation of approximate acreage for each land use specified.
(b) Based on the information provided by the applicant, the Director of Transportation and Planning or his or her designee shall provide initial comments concerning the merits of the proposed development and provide any other information necessary to aid the applicant in the preparation of the formal application.
(2) Application submission. Any person, group of persons or corporation having a proprietary interest in any property may file an application for a (PD) Planned Development District. Such application shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(3) Formal public hearing.
(a) The Planning Board and Zoning Commission shall make their recommendations to the City Commission in accordance with the standard procedures for a change of zoning in the city. The Planning Board and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Commission may approve the request for a Planned Development District (PD) as submitted or make any modifications thereto as may be appropriate.
(b) In approving the ordinance establishing the Planned Development District (PD), the City Commission shall, after recommendation of the Planning Board and Zoning Commission, specify such height, floor area, density, site coverage, setback, landscaping, off-street parking and all other standards as are appropriate for the development which are considered necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare, and to create a reasonable transition, to and protection from, property adjacent to the Planned Development District (PD).
(D) Development schedule.
(1) If the applicant desires, or if the Planning Board, Zoning Commission or City Commission requires, a development schedule shall be submitted indicating the approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and the rate of anticipated development to completion. The development schedule shall, if adopted and approved by the City Commission, become part of the ordinance creating such Planned Development District (PD), and shall be adhered to by the owner, developer and successors in the interest.
(2) The Planning Board and Zoning Commission or the City Commission may, if in their opinion the owner or owners of the property are failing or have failed to meet the approved schedule, initiate proceedings to amend the ordinance of the Planned Development (PD) District, or remove all or part of the Planned Development (PD) District from the Official Zoning Map and place the area involved in another appropriate zoning district. Such action shall occur in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Upon the recommendation of the Planning Board and Zoning Commission, and for good cause shown by the owner or developer, the City Commission may extend the development schedule or adopt such new development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions of the case.
(E) Amendment to Planned Development (PD) District.
(1) Any major amendment, supplement, deletion or modification to the Planned Development (PD) District may be granted by the City Commission upon application by any person, group or persons or corporation having a proprietary interest therein. Any application for such amendment, supplement, deletion or modification shall contain the information specified in this chapter and shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in division (C) above. The Director Transportation and Planning, Mayor or their designated representatives may authorize minor modifications that:
(a) Do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property;
(b) Do not alter the uses permitted;
(c) Do not increase the maximum density, floor area, height or site coverage;
(d) Do not decrease the amount of off-street parking; and
(e) Do not reduce the minimum yards or setbacks.
(2) An applicant may appeal the decision of the Director of Transportation and Planning, Mayor or their designated representative to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for review and decision as to whether a formal amendment to the Planned Development (PD) District shall be required.
(F) Coordination with subdivision ordinance.
(1) It is the intent of this section that subdivision review under the subdivision regulations of the city be carried out simultaneously with the review of a Planned Development (PD) District under the provisions of this chapter.
(2) Both this chapter and Ch. 159 of this chapter contain regulations that apply to such matters in the design of a Planned Development (PD) District such as streets, utilities and open spaces. In any Planned Development (PD) District for which the provisions of the two ordinances are in conflict, the Director of Transportation and Planning shall submit a recommendation to the Planning Board and Zoning Commission, which shall determine which standard shall prevail.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-48) (Ord. 01-07, passed 3-21-2001)