(A) The city is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Zoning District Designation | Zoning District Name |
Zoning District Designation | Zoning District Name |
A | Single-Family Residential |
A-1 | Single-Family Residential |
A-2 | Zero Lot Line Residential |
B | Single-Family Attached, Duplex Residential |
B-1 | Townhouse Residential |
C | Multi-Family Residential |
C-1 | Multi-Family Residential |
D | Neighborhood Service |
D-1 | Community Service |
E | General Business |
E-1 | Central Business |
E-2 | Freeway Commercial |
E-3 | Outdoor Commercial |
E-4 | Commercial Warehouse |
F | Light Industrial |
F-1 | Outdoor Industrial |
G | Waterfront |
G-2 | Recreational Waterfront |
H | Heavy Industrial |
I | Planned Unit Development |
MH | Mobile Home |
O | Open Space |
O-P | Office-Professional |
P-I | Planned Industrial |
S-P | Site Plan |
(B) The existing zoning district names are amended and re-established as follows:
From | To |
“A” First Dwelling House | “A” Single-Family Residential |
“B” Second Dwelling House | “B” Single-Family Attached, Duplex Residential |
“C” Apartment House | “C” Multi-Family Residential |
“D” Local Business | “D” Neighborhood Service |
(C) At the time of adoption of this chapter, all property which is zoned district “E”, General Business, and is located within an area bounded on the south by the public alley located between Texas Avenue and First Avenue South, on the east by Bay Street, on the north by 13th Avenue North and on the west by Tenth Street or a line being an extension of Tenth Street shall be redesignated as district “E-1", Central Business.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-10)
(A) The boundaries of the zoning districts set out herein and delineated upon the Official Zoning Map of the city, said map being a part of this chapter as fully as if the same were set forth herein in detail, shall be governed by the following regulations.
(1) If, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, changes are made in district boundaries or other matters portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be ratified by the City Commission.
(2) Regardless of the existence of copies of the Official Zoning Map which from time to time may be made or published, the Official Zoning Map, which shall be located in the office of the City Secretary, shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of land and water areas, buildings and other structures within the city.
(3) One updated copy of the Official Zoning Map shall be filed with the Building Official and shall be used for observation in issuing building permits, certificates of occupancy and for enforcing this chapter. One updated copy of the Official Zoning Map may also be filed with the Director of Transportation and Planning for reference purposes.
(4) Reproduction for informational purposes may, from time to time, be made of the Official Zoning Map.
(B) Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the various districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules apply.
(1) The district boundaries are streets, alleys and property lines unless otherwise shown, and where the districts designated on the Official Zoning Map are bounded approximately by streets, alleys or property lines; the streets, alleys or property lines shall be construed to be the boundary of the district. Where alleys are vacated, the boundary shall be the centerline of such vacated alley.
(2) Where the district boundaries are otherwise indicated, and where the property has been or may hereafter be divided into blocks and lots, the district boundaries shall be construed to be property lines.
(3) In unsubdivided property, the district boundary lines shall be determined by the use of the scale of the Official Zoning Map.
(4) Where the description of the property is contained in an ordinance, the metes and bounds description of the property in the ordinance shall control over the zoning map.
(5) When on account of any legal vacation proceeding or for any other cause the streets or alleys on the ground differ from the streets or alleys shown on the District Map, the Director of Transportation and Planning may apply the district designations on the map to the streets or alleys on the ground in such manner as to conform to the intent and purpose of this chapter.
(6) Questions of interpretation of the Official Zoning Map shall be referred to a person designated by the city.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-11)
(A) All territory annexed to the city after the date of passage of this chapter shall be automatically classified as “O” (Open Space) District purposes until permanently zoned by the City Commission and upon recommendation by the Zoning Commission.
(B) (1) The Zoning Commission shall, as soon as practical, after annexation of any territory to the city, institute proceedings on its own motion to give the newly annexed territory a permanent zoning.
(2) The procedure to be followed shall be the same as is provided by law for the adoption of any zoning changes.
(C) No person shall erect, construct or proceed or continue with the erection or construction of any building or structure, or add to any building or structure, or cause the same to be done in any newly annexed territory to the city, without first applying for, and obtaining, a building permit or certificate of occupancy, therefor from the Building Official.
(D) No permit for the construction of a building or use of land shall be issued by the Building Official other than a permit which will allow the construction of a building permitted in the “O” (Open Space) District, unless and until such territory has been rezoned to a district other than the “O” (Open Space) District, by the City Commission in the manner provided by the law.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-12)
A summary of zoning district area regulations is provided as follows:
District | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Depth (in feet) | Minimum Front Yard (in feet) | Minimum Rear Yard (in feet) | Minimum Side Yard | Maximum Height of Building | Maximum Lot Coverage by Buildings (percentage) | Minimum Landscaping Required (percentage) |
District | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Lot Width (in feet) | Minimum Lot Depth (in feet) | Minimum Front Yard (in feet) | Minimum Rear Yard (in feet) | Minimum Side Yard | Maximum Height of Building | Maximum Lot Coverage by Buildings (percentage) | Minimum Landscaping Required (percentage) |
A | 6,000 square feet per dwelling unit | 50 | 100 | 25 | 20 | 5 feet | 2.5 stories or 35 feet | 40 | 0 |
A-1 | 8,200 square feet per dwelling unit | 70 | 100 | 30 | 20 | 5 feet | 2.5 stories or 35 feet | 40 | 0 |
A-2 | 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit | 40/45 | 90 | 15/20 | 10/15 | 8 in./10 feet | 2.5 stories or 30 feet | 50 | 0 |
B | 3,000 square feet per dwelling unit | 30/60 | 100 | 30 | 20 | 6 feet/15 feet | 2 stories or 30 feet | 40 | 0 |
B-1 | 2,904 square feet per dwelling unit | 30 | 90 | 25 | 20 | 0 feet/6 feet | 30 feet | 50 | 0 |
C | 1,742 square feet per dwelling unit | 80 | 100 | 25/75 | 20/30 | 20 feet/30 feet | 3 stories or 36 feet | 50 | 20 |
C-1 | 2,420 square feet per dwelling unit | 80 | 100 | 25 | 20 | 20 feet | 2 stories or 25 feet | 50 | 20 |
MH | 4,840 square feet per dwelling unit | 40 | 95 | 15/25 | 10 | 5 feet | 15 feet | See § 160.031 | See § 160.031 |
O-P | 6,000 square feet | 0 | 0 | 25 | See § 160.032 | See § 160.032 | 35 feet | 40 | 10 |
D | 6,000 square feet | 0 | 0 | 25 | 10/15 | 10 feet/15 feet | 35 feet | 40 | 10 |
D-1 | 6,000 square feet | 0 | 0 | 25 | See § 160.034 | See § 160.034 | 35 feet | 40 | 10 |
E | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0/15 | See § 160.035 | 75 feet | 50 | 5 |
E-1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/10 | 0 feet/10 feet | 75 feet | 100 | 0 |
E-2 | 10,000 square feet | 80 | 80 | 40 | See § 160.037 | See § 160.037 | no req. | 65 | 10 |
E-3 | 10,000 square feet | 80 | 80 | 25 | 10/25 | 10 feet/25 feet | 30 feet | 70 | 5 |
E-4 | 10,000 square feet | 50 | 100 | 25 | 15/25 | 10 feet/25 feet | 30 feet | 70 | 5 |
F | 15,000 square feet | 80 | 150 | 30 | 30 | 0 feet/30 feet | 50 feet | 70 | 5 |
F-1 | 20,000 square feet | 80 | 150 | 30 | 30 | 0 feet/30 feet | 50 feet | 70 | 5 |
P-1 | 20,000 square feet | 80 | 150 | 40 | See § 160.043 | See § 160.043 | 55 feet | 65 | 15 |
G | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0/25 | 0 feet/25 feet | 75 feet | 60 | 5 |
G-2 | 10,000 square feet | 80 | 80 | 25 | 0/25 | 0 feet/25 feet | 30 feet | 50 | 10 |
H | 20,000 square feet | 100 | 100 | 50 | 0/50 | 0 feet/50 feet | See § 160.048 | 70 | 5 |
O | 2 acres | 80 | 100 | 50 | 20 | 15 feet | 2.5 stories or 35 feet | 20 | 0 |
I | See § 160.050 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
S-P | See § 160.051 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
NOTES TO TABLE: (a)--Denotes whichever is greater | |||||||||
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-12)
(A) Purpose.
(1) District A is intended to be comprised of single-family detached residential dwellings with a minimum dwelling square footage of not less than 899 square feet located on lots with a minimum area of 6,000 square feet.
(2) This district is also intended to accommodate public or parochial schools, churches, parks or governmental uses other than prisons or halfway houses.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family detached residential dwellings;
(2) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(3) Governmental buildings;
(4) Public utility uses required to service the district; and
(5) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage;
(2) Guest quarters being located at least 60 feet from the front property line, and meeting all other yard requirements;
(3) Private swimming pool;
(4) One storage building not exceeding 225 square feet in floor area or 12 feet in height;
(5) Registered family home;
(6) Licensed group day care home provided such facility provides care for 12 or less children in the home of the caretaker;
(7) Home occupation; and
(8) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principle use.
(D) Area and height requirements.
Maximum height of accessory structure | 2 stories or 25 feet, unless structure is constructed with fabricated metal siding or roofing, in which case accessory structure shall be limited to one story or 15 feet |
Maximum height of principal structure | 2.5 stories or 35 feet |
Detached single-family structure minimum footprint | 899 square feet |
Maximum lot coverage by principal structure | 40% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 10 feet |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area per dwelling unit | 6,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 50 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | Minimum of 5 feet |
Minimum side yard corner lot | 15 feet on street side |
(E) Parking requirements. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
(F) Building regulations. For residential subdivisions platted after 12-6-2006, a residential structure shall consist of a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows, window walls and garage doors unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter). These requirements shall also apply to all non-residential uses permitted in this district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-14) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. 99-50, passed 8-25-1999; Ord. 00-51, passed 9-6-2000; Ord. 03-09, passed 4-16-2003; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 21-27, passed 10-6-2021)
(A) Purpose. District A-1 is intended to be comprised of low density, single-family detached residential dwellings with a minimum dwelling square footage of not less than 899 square feet, located on lots with a minimum area of 8,200 square feet. This district is also intended to accommodate public or parochial schools, churches, parks or governmental uses, other than prisons or halfway houses.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family detached residential dwellings;
(2) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(3) Governmental buildings;
(4) Public utility uses required to service the district; and
(5) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage;
(2) Guest quarters being located at least 60 feet from the front property line and meeting all other requirements;
(3) Private swimming pool;
(4) One storage building not exceeding 225 square feet in floor area or 12 feet in height;
(5) Registered family home;
(6) Licensed group day care home provided such facility provides care for 12 or less children in the home of the caretaker;
(7) Home occupation; and
(8) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height of accessory structure | 2 stories or 25 feet, unless structure is constructed with fabricated metal siding or roofing, in which case accessory structure shall be limited to one story or 15 feet |
Maximum height of principal structure | 2.5 stories or 35 feet |
Detached single-family structure minimum footprint
899 square feet
Maximum lot coverage by principal structure | 40% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 10 feet |
Minimum front yard | 30 feet |
Minimum lot area per dwelling unit | 8,200 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 70 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | 5 feet |
Minimum side yard of corner lot | 15 feet on street side |
(E) Parking requirements. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
(F) Building regulations. For residential subdivisions platted after 12-6-2006, a residential structure shall consist of a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows, window walls and garage doors unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (§ 160.087 of this chapter). These requirements shall also apply to all non-residential uses permitted in this district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-15) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. 99-50, passed 8-25-1999; Ord. 00-51, passed 9-6-2000; Ord. 03-09, passed 4-16-2003; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
(A) Purpose. District A-2 is intended to be comprised of single-family, zero lot line, detached residential dwellings with a minimum dwelling square footage of not less than 899 square feet. The district allows the main structure to be constructed coincident with one of the side property lines and requires only one side yard setback in order to maximize lot usage and yet maintain a neighborhood character consistent with conventional single-family detached homes.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family detached residential dwellings; and
(2) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage;
(2) Private swimming pool;
(3) One storage building not exceeding 225 square feet in floor area or 12 feet in height;
(4) Registered family home;
(5) Home occupation; and
(6) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses.
(D) Area and height requirements.
Maximum area of subdivision | 10 acres |
Maximum height of accessory structure | 2 stories or 15 feet, unless structure is constructed with fabricated metal siding or roofing, in which case accessory structure shall be limited to one story or 15 feet |
Maximum height of principal structure | 2.5 stories or 30 feet |
Detached single-family structure minimum footprint
899 square feet
Maximum lot coverage by principal structure | 50% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking | 60% |
Minimum area of subdivision | 1 acre |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 10 feet, see division (F)(3) below |
Minimum front yard | 15 feet; 20 feet where garage faces street |
Minimum lot area per dwelling unit | 4,000 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 90 feet |
Minimum lot width | 40 feet |
Minimum lot width of corner lot | 45 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 10 feet for 1 story; 15 feet for 2 stories |
Minimum side yard | 8 inches on one side; 10 feet on opposite side |
Or alternate minimum side yard | 5 feet on each side |
Minimum side yard of corner lot | 15 feet on street side |
(E) Parking requirements.
(1) All zero lot line homes shall have a two-car garage.
(2) Driveways shall be of design as to accommodate two vehicles off-street.
(3) The elimination of a garage space by enclosing the garage with a stationary building wall shall be prohibited.
(F) Special conditions.
(1) All subdivision plats filed shall have established front, side and rear yard setback lines on each lot in accordance with division (D) above.
(2) An access easement of five feet shall be provided and so indicated on the subdivision plat, to allow the adjacent owner access to the eight-inch side yard on each lot to enable the property owner to maintain his or her house.
(3) No dwelling shall be closer than ten feet eight inches between the face of exterior walls of neighboring dwelling units in an A-2 District, and no closer than five feet to the boundary of any other zoning district, or ten feet to the boundary of District E-1 (Central Business).
(4) No openings for access, lights or air shall be permitted on the wall situated along the property line. Wood construction shall not be permitted in the exterior or outer covering of zero lot line walls. This covering shall be built with brick, masonry or other durable, maintenance free materials. No portion of the wall shall project over the property line.
(5) Solid (opaque) walls or fences of wood, masonry or other durable, suitable material shall extend the full length of the rear lot line as well as those portions of side lot line behind the front wall of a patio home or zero lot line home, but not including the zero lot line walls of such homes. Chainlink fences using opaque slats are expressly prohibited. Fences or walls shall be a minimum of six feet in height, but shall not exceed eight feet in height.
(6) Water draining from roofs of patio or zero lot line homes shall in no instance be discharged onto a neighboring property or yard. Where roofs slope toward a lot line wall and/or neighboring property, an adequate gutter system shall be provided draining directly to the street.
(7) Within the ten-foot side setback area, but not within the front setback area, may be placed any of the following: spa, swimming pool, deck, barbecue grill, fountain or patio cover. Patio covers shall be open structures and can be attached or independent to the residential structure. The patio cover shall be constructed to meet the required wind loads as prescribed in the International Residential Code adopted by the city. The patio cover will be allowed to cover an area not to exceed 25 feet in length of the side yard. The patio cover shall be designed to allow the adjacent property owner access for maintenance to their structure.
(G) Building regulations.
(1) For residential subdivisions platted after 12-6-2006, a residential structure shall consist of a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows, window walls and garage doors unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(2) These requirements shall also apply to all non-residential uses permitted in this district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-16) (Ord. 00-51, passed 9-6-2000; Ord. 05-46, passed 10-2-2005; Ord. 06-14, passed 4-5-2006; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 07-25, passed 8-1-2007; Ord. 21-27, passed 10-6-2021)
(A) Purpose. District B is intended to be comprised of single-family attached, two-family dwellings or duplexes with a minimum dwelling square footage of not less than 899 square feet each. Single-family attached dwellings refer to the style of structures in which each dwelling unit is situated on a separately platted lot of record, where the property line runs coincident with the common firewall separating the units. No more than two units may be attached. The district also permits the structure on a single lot containing two dwelling units (duplex) that are separated by a common, unpierced wall.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Single-family detached residential dwellings;
(2) Single-family attached residential dwellings;
(3) Duplexes;
(4) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers;
(5) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(6) Governmental buildings; and
(7) Public utility uses.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage;
(2) Swimming pool;
(3) One storage building per residence, not exceeding 225 square feet in floor area or 12 feet in height;
(4) Registered family home;
(5) Home occupation; and
(6) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height of accessory structure | 1 story or 15 feet |
Maximum height of principal structure | 2 stories or 30 feet |
Detached single-family structure minimum footprint
899 square feet
Maximum lot coverage by principal structure | 40% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveway and parking | 60% |
Minimum distance between detached structures | 10 feet |
Minimum front yard | 30 feet |
Minimum lot area per dwelling unit | 6,000 square feet for single-family detached dwelling; 3,000 square feet for each attached dwelling |
Minimum lot depth | 100 feet |
Minimum lot width | 60 feet for each single-family detached/duplex; 30 feet for each single-family attached structure |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | 6 feet |
Minimum side yard of corner lot | 15 feet on street side |
(E) Parking requirements.
(1) Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit.
(2) The elimination of a garage space in a single-family attached dwelling or a duplex dwelling by enclosing the garage with a stationary building wall shall be prohibited.
(F) Building regulations. For residential subdivisions platted after 12-6-2006, a residential structure shall consist of a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows, window walls, and garage doors unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter). These requirements shall also apply to all non-residential uses permitted in this district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-18) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 21-27, passed 10-6-2021)
(A) Purpose. District B-1 is intended to be comprised of multiple, single-family attached (townhouse) dwellings with a minimum dwelling square footage of not less than 899 square feet each. This is a medium density residential neighborhood which encourages individual home ownership. Each dwelling unit is situated on a separately platted lot of record, where the property line runs coincident with the common firewall separating the units. The maximum permitted density is 15 units per acre.
(B) Principal uses.
(1) Townhouse;
(2) Public and private, non-commercial parks, playgrounds or community centers;
(3) Public and non-profit institutions of an educational or religious function, excluding corrective institutions and hospitals;
(4) Governmental buildings; and
(5) Public utility uses.
(C) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garage;
(2) Swimming pool;
(3) One storage building per residence, not exceeding 225 square feet in floor area or 12 feet in height;
(4) Registered family home;
(5) Home occupation;
(6) Cabana, pavilion or roofed area;
(7) Meeting, party and/or social rooms; and
(8) Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
(D) Area and height regulations.
Maximum height | 30 feet |
Maximum length of the attached single-family complex | 200 feet |
Detached single-family structure minimum footprint
899 square feet
Maximum lot coverage by principal structure | 50% |
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveway and parking | 70% |
Minimum front yard | 25 feet |
Minimum lot area per dwelling unit | 2,904 square feet |
Minimum lot depth | 90 feet |
Minimum lot width | 30 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard | 0 feet between units; 6 feet at the end of each complex |
Minimum side yard of corner lot | 15 feet on street side |
(E) Parking requirements.
(1) For townhouse residential dwellings, off street parking shall be provided at the following ratios:
Number of bedrooms in unit
Number of parking spaces per unit
Efficiency or one bedroom | 1.75 |
Two bedroom | 2 |
Three bedroom | 2.5 |
Four bedroom or greater | 3 |
(2) The elimination of a parking space in a single-family attached dwelling or duplex dwelling by enclosing the garage with a stationary building wall shall be prohibited.
(3) At least one parking space for each unit must be in an attached garage.
(4) Each unit with two or more bedrooms must have at least 0.50 additional paved space for guest parking. Guest parking may be combined in a common area with approval by the Planning Board.
(F) Building regulations. For residential subdivisions platted after 12-6-2006, a residential structure shall consist of a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows, window walls and garage doors unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter). These requirements shall also apply to all non-residential uses permitted in this district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-19) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006; Ord. 21-27, passed 10-6-2021; Ord. 2023- 18, passed 5-15-2023)