(A) Screening wall. Screening walls applicable to the separation of land uses, screening of satellite television reception dishes, trash receptacles and other items shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the underlying zoning district, except as otherwise provided herein.
(1) Outside storage shall be screened on all sides by a solid, opaque brick or stone wall of not less than six feet in height measured at the highest finished grade, constructed in accordance with the general design standards of the city.
(2) Trash receptacles shall be visually screened on three sides by a solid, brick or stone wall not less than six feet in height, measured at the highest finished grade. The height of the trash receptacle shall not be permitted to exceed the height of the visual screening device. Screening shall not be required on the side used for access by garbage pickup services. Such side shall not face less than 45 degrees from any adjacent street. Trash receptacles already enclosed by a solid, brick or stone wall of at least six feet in height measured at the highest finished grade shall not be required to provide additional screening.
(3) Any fencing in the Gateway Corridor, required or otherwise, shall be a solid, brick or stone wall of not less than six feet in height, measured at the highest finished grade.
(B) Rooftop screening. Roof-mounted equipment, including, but not limited to, storage tanks, compressor units, vent stacks greater than four inches in diameter, and elevator machinery, shall be integrated into the building design and screened from the view from adjacent streets and public facilities. Rooftop screening shall use building materials similar to the facade of the building on which such items are located, to create a smooth, clean, integrated appearance. For purposes of this section, a highway frontage road shall be designated as an adjacent street.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-92) (Ord. 99-42, passed 8-18-1999; Ord. 08-48, passed 12-3-2008)
(A) Outside display or storage. All areas utilized for outside display or storage in conjunction with sales or rental of motor vehicles, mobile homes, trailers or boats, regardless of whether such areas are screened from public view, shall have a concrete or city-approved surface, constructed in accordance with the standards prescribed by the city.
(B) Utilities.
(1) All utilities located within 200 feet of the front property line, which will serve any lot or parcel, shall be installed underground, except for any transmission lines or feeder lines, either existing or proposed; provided that, such transmission or feeder lines shall be located within a designated paved easement or alleyway provided by the property owner.
(2) Nothing set forth herein shall prohibit or restrict any utility company from recovering the difference between the cost of overhead facilities and underground facilities. Each utility whose facilities are subject to the provisions of this chapter shall develop policies and cost reimbursement procedures with respect to the installation and extension of underground service.
(C) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be a minimum of 15% provided of the total land area of any property, in accordance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(D) Masonry content. One- or two-story structures, regardless of structure height, shall meet the following minimum masonry requirements. Buildings shall have the following minimum masonry requirement: 100% of the total exterior walls, front and side walls, which may be seen from any public thoroughfare, excluding doors, windows and window walls, shall be constructed of brick, stone, masonry or pre-cast concrete panels.
(E) Setback. To provide adequate protection of the aesthetic and visual character of the gateways, a minimum setback of 40 feet of all buildings, accessory buildings and structures from the property boundary which is adjacent to a public thoroughfare shall be required. The minimum setback requirement shall be reduced to a setback of 25 feet if parking is prohibited within said setback area.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-93) (Ord. 99-42, passed 8-18-1999)
(A) The location of the Gateway Overlay District, also known as the Gateway Corridor, shall consist of all portions of properties adjacent and within 300 feet of the following thoroughfares:
(1) I-45 - Dickinson Bayou to FM 1765;
(2) FM 1765 - I-45 to Bay Street;
(3) 6th Street - Texas Avenue to 19th Ave. N;
(4) Loop 197 North - Highway 146 to 19th Avenue N;
(5) Highway 146 - FM 1764 to Moses Bayou;
(6) FM 646 (From West City Limits to Highway 146);
(7) Highway 146 (From Dickinson Bayou to north city limit line);
(8) Century Boulevard from I-45 to Highway 3;
(9) FM 517 from Highway 146 to Gum Bayou;
(10) 25th Avenue North from Amburn Road to Highway 146;
(11) FM 2004 from I-45 to Highway 3;
(12) Highway 3 from FM 1765 to north city limit line;
(13) FM 1764 from I-45 to 6th Street; and
(14) FM 3436 from SH 646 south to FM 517.
(B) These are as shown on the Official Zoning Map on file in City Planner’s office.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-94) (Ord. 06-21, passed 6-7-2006; Ord. 06-36, passed 10-4-2006; Ord. 08-17, passed 5-7-2008)
(A) The following uses, which are classified as temporary uses, may be permitted by the Building Official in any district:
(1) Carnivals not to exceed 30 days;
(2) Circus not to exceed 30 days;
(3) Fairgrounds not to exceed 30 days;
(4) Religious assemblies not to exceed 30 days;
(5) Sports events not to exceed 30 days;
(6) Concrete mixing or batching plant uses temporarily required by contractors during the construction of public improvements or buildings, and in such cases, the period of time for which the use is granted may be for a period of time provided in the contract for completion of such public improvement or building, provided that such use shall not be permitted nearer than 250 feet to a developed lot in a district zoned for residential uses;
(7) Armed forces displays not to exceed 30 days;
(8) Educational displays not to exceed 30 days;
(9) Temporary sales of merchandise not to exceed 30 days; and
(10) Temporary buildings and/or construction trailers (not to exceed six months) excluding mobile homes used for residential purposes.
(B) A temporary use shall not be permitted nearer than 100 feet to a developed area in a district zoned for residential uses.
(C) A permit for the temporary use of any property for the above-listed uses shall be secured from the Building Inspection Department to such use.
(D) Use of a parcel of property for any of the above-listed uses at any time on any day shall constitute a day’s use. Use of a parcel of property for any of the above-listed uses for more than 30 days except for concrete mixing or batching plants, during any one year shall constitute a permanent use and such parcel of property shall automatically again be subject to the district regulation of the zoning district in which such parcel of property is located.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-54) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994)
(A) Purpose. Off-street parking requirements are intended to properly regulate the number and design of off-street vehicular parking spaces to meet the needs of occupants, customers, visitors or others involved in the use of any building, structural improvement or place of assembly; and to eliminate the undue use of the surface street system for parking purposes.
(B) Requirements.
(1) In all districts, except E-1 (Central Business), there shall be provided off-street parking spaces.
(2) Each parking space shall have adequate drives and room for ingress and egress to each parking space with a minimum size of eight feet by 22 feet for each parallel parking space and nine feet by 18 feet for each angular head-in parking space, and shall be designed in accordance with minimum standards as defined.
(3) The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required shall be as follows:
Commercial uses: | |
Assembly and exhibition halls without fixed seats | 1 per each 150 square feet |
Automotive sales and service | 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area |
Banks | 1 per 300 square feet of floor area |
Bingo parlor | 1 per each 3 seats (occupant load) |
Bowling alley | 5 per each lane |
Broadcast and communication services | 1 per each 300 square feet of floor area |
Commercial trade school | 1 per each 2 students and staff |
Day care and kindergarten | 1 per each 8 pupils (design capacity) |
Flea market (indoor and outdoor) | 15 spaces per each 200 square feet of floor area or market area |
Funeral homes, mortuaries | 1 per each 200 square feet of floor area |
Furniture and appliance store | 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area |
Health clubs | 1 per each 200 square feet of floor area |
Hotels, motels | 1 per room for the first 250 rooms and 0.75 space per room for each room over 250, plus 1 space per 5 restaurant/lounge area seats, plus 1 space per 125 square feet of meeting/conference areas |
1.1 spaces per room which contains kitchenette facilities, plus parking for restaurant and meeting areas per ratio stated herein | |
2 spaces per guest room provided with kitchen facilities, plus parking for restaurant and meeting areas per the ratio stated herein | |
Lumber yard, building materials and hardware sales | 1 per each 200 square feet of retail floor area, plus 1 per each 1,000 square feet of wholesale or storage area |
Office and business services | 1 per 300 square feet of floor area |
Live theaters and auditoriums | 1 per each 3.5 seats |
Motion picture theaters (which do not include live performances) | 1 space per 3.5 seats for single-screen theaters |
1 space per 5 seats for motion picture theaters with 2 or more screens | |
Nursing/convalescent home | 1 per each six beds (design capacity) |
Private clubs and dancehalls | 1 per each 100 square feet of floor area |
Repair service | 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area |
Restaurants and cafeterias | 1 per each 150 square feet of seating area |
Retail | 1 per each 200 square feet of floor area |
Shopping centers | 1 per each 200 square feet of retail space, plus required parking for non-retail uses |
Governmental/institutional uses: | |
Church, synagogue, temple | 1 per each 4 seats in the main sanctuary |
Colleges, universities | 1 per each 2 students, plus 1 for each classroom, laboratory or instruction area |
Governmental office buildings, libraries, museums | 1 per each 300 square feet of floor area |
Hospital | 1 per each 15 beds (design capacity) |
Schools: | |
Elementary | 1 per each 15 students (design capacity) |
Middle/junior high | 1 per each 15 students (design capacity) |
High | 1 per each 3 students and 1 per each staff |
Industrial: | |
Distribution, warehouse or storage | 1 per each 1,000 square feet of floor area |
Manufacturing facility | 1 per each 1,000 square feet of floor area |
Multi-family/apartments: | |
1.75 per each efficiency or 1 bedroom unit | |
2 per each 2 bedroom unit | |
2.5 per each 3 or more bedroom unit | |
3 per each 4 or more bedroom unit | |
Mobile home | 2 per dwelling unit |
Retirement center (excluding nursing home) | 1.5 per unit |
Residential uses: | |
Duplex/single-family attached | 2 per dwelling unit |
Single-family dwellings | 2 per dwelling unit |
Townhouses | 2 per dwelling unit |
Triplex or fourplex | 2 per dwelling unit |
Transient accommodations: | |
Bed and breakfast | 1 per guest room plus parking for other uses as required by this chapter |
Clubs, boardinghouses, dormitories | 1 per guest room plus parking for other uses as required by this chapter |
(C) Off-street stacking requirements for drive-through facilities.
(1) A stacking space shall be an area on a site measuring eight feet by 20 feet with direct forward access to a service window or station of a drive-through facility which does not constitute space for any other circulation driveway, parking space or maneuvering area.
(2) For financial institutions with drive-through facilities, each teller window or station, human or mechanical, shall be provided with a minimum of five stacking spaces.
(3) For each service window of a drive-through restaurant, a minimum of six spaces shall be provided.
(4) For kiosks, a minimum of two stacking spaces for each service window in addition to the service window shall be provided.
(5) For each full service car wash, vacuum or gas pump lane, a minimum of seven stacking spaces shall be provided.
(6) For each self-service (drive-through/automated) wash bay, a minimum of three stacking spaces in addition to the wash bay shall be provided.
(7) For each self-service (open bay), a minimum of two stacking spaces in addition to the wash bay shall be provided.
(8) For automobile quick lube facilities, a minimum of three stacking spaces in addition to the service bay shall be provided.
(D) Joint parking. Uses may join in establishing joint parking areas. Where it can be demonstrated before the Zoning Commission that parking for two or more specific uses occurs at alternating periods, and where the combined floor area of such uses occupies not less than 50,000 square feet or where the aggregate required off-street parking for such uses would be at least 200 spaces, then the parking space requirements of the use requiring the greater number of spaces may be applied to the other uses in a combined parking area. However, it shall be demonstrated as a condition precedent to consideration of a joint parking area that such area will result in a reduction of at least 10% of the aggregate required off-street parking for such uses.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-56) (Ord. 95-26, passed 1-3-1996)
(A) All retail, commercial and industrial structures shall provide and maintain off-street facilities for the loading and unloading of merchandise and goods within the building or on a suitably screened lot adjacent to a private service drive.
(B) At least one-half of such loading spaces shall have a minimum dimension of ten feet by 40 feet and the remaining spaces shall have a minimum dimension of ten feet by 20 feet.
(C) Loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule.
(1) For all retail, commercial and industrial uses.
Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure | Minimum Required Spaces or Berths |
0 to 10,000 | None |
10,000 to 50,000 | 1 |
50,000 to 100,000 | 2 |
100,000 to 200,000 | 3 |
Each additional 100,000 | 1 additional |
(2) For all hotels, office buildings, restaurants and similar establishments.
Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure | Minimum Required Spaces or Berths |
0 to 50,000 | None |
50,000 to 150,000 | 1 |
150,000 to 300,000 | 2 |
300,000 to 500,000 | 3 |
500,000 to 1,000,000 | 4 |
Each additional 500,000 | 1 additional |
(D) Loading docks for any establishment which customarily receives goods between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and is adjacent to a residential use or district shall be designed and constructed so as to fully enclose the loading operation, in order to reduce the effects of the noise of the operation on adjacent residences.
(E) Where adjacent to residential uses or districts, off-street loading areas shall be screened from view of the residential use or district.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-57)
(A) In any district zoned for residential uses, an accessory building may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be rented.
(B) An accessory building not exceeding one story in height may occupy not more than 60% of a minimum required rear yard.
(C) An accessory building exceeding one story or more in height may occupy not more than 40% of a minimum required rear yard.
(D) An accessory building in a district zoned for residential uses shall be located on the rear one-half of the lot and at least ten feet from any dwelling building existing or under construction on the same lot or any adjacent lot, except swimming pools, which may be located nearer than ten feet from any dwelling building existing as long as the excavation of the swimming pool does not in any way harm or endanger the existing building or dwelling. No accessory building shall be located nearer than five feet to any rear lot line and shall be subject to the same side yard requirements as the principal structure. In the case of a corner lot, no accessory building shall be located within any side yard required on the street side. A garage, attached to or detached from the main building, may be located not nearer than five feet to any rear lot line and shall be subject to the same side yard requirements as the principal structure. Metal shipping containers shall not be allowed in any district zoned for residential use. Districts zoned for residential use are A, A-1, A-2, B, C, C-1 and MH.
(E) Metal shipping container boxes are only allowed in zoning districts zoned F (Light Industry); F-1 (Outdoor Industrial); G (Water Front); H (Heavy Industry) and within construction site areas not to exceed 24 months. Container boxes allowed within the approved zoning districts shall be located within the rear one-half of the lot and/or must adhere to the established performance standards already prescribed for the above-referenced zoning districts (F, F-1, G and H).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-58) (Ord. 94-05, passed 4-20-1994; Ord. 07-26, passed 8-1-2007; Ord. 09-30, passed 10-21-2009)
(A) All multi-family development shall provide buffering on the subject property, from adjacent property which is zoned or used for lower density residential or non-residential uses if the adjacent property is zoned or used for such uses at the time of the multi-family development.
(B) All non-residential development, including planned developments, shall provide buffering on the subject property, from all adjacent land zoned or used for any residential purpose, if that land is zoned or used as such at the time of the non-residential development.
(C) The screening shall be continuously maintained and shall be either a solid masonry wall in accordance with adopted fence standards, which is a minimum six feet high, or the standard screening fence. Such screening shall be located on the subject property, adjacent to the common property line. If an alley is separating the uses, the required screening shall be located on the subject property side of the alley adjacent to the property line which is adjacent to the alley.
(D) The standard screening fence which is required for screening purposes, shall be constructed with the following standards.
(1) Said fence shall be a minimum of six feet in height.
(2) All wood materials shall be naturally decay resistant or pressure treated exterior grade, such as redwood or cedar, or other materials acceptable to the City Commission.
(3) All nails or fasteners shall be of non-rusting, non-corrosive metal, such as hot-dipped galvanized steel. All nails or fasteners shall be of the type (screw-shank, ring-shank or divergent-point staples) that, when properly driven, will not work free due to wind, vibration or shrinkage of members. The maximum spacing allowed between pickets shall be one-quarter inch.
(4) All materials shall be securely fastened, vertical boards to horizontal stringers, stringers to vertical posts, top rail, to ensure an ongoing attractive appearance and safe condition, free form rust, rot, vandalism and other sources of decay.
(E) Outside storage of wrecked, inoperable vehicles and equipment shall be screened by a minimum six-foot masonry wall or standard screening fence. Materials stored, excluding trucks and machinery, shall be stacked no higher than one foot below the top of the fence or wall.
(F) An exception to the screening fence requirement may be granted by the City Commission. Any property owner who appeared at a zoning public hearing wherein a specific screening fence requirement was imposed on a subject property under consideration will be notified of the proposed exception and date of the administrative report of said property if request for an exception of the screening fence is submitted. One or more of the following conditions must be present or apply for consideration of an exception:
(1) Topographical variations that would preclude a normal installation, or act as a screening mechanism. A topographical variation may serve as a screening device if the zoning district requiring the screening fence is separated from the adjoining use by a 30% slope or greater, as long as the elevation between the two uses is at least six feet, (property requiring the screening fence is at the higher elevation);
(2) Dense vegetation that presently exists onsite, which serves the same purpose as a screening fence. Vegetation will serve as a screening device if it is a minimum of six feet in height and the density obstructs the view; and
(3) The fence will impede proper drainage.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-59) (Ord. 97-26, passed 1-21-1998; Ord. 08-48, passed 12-3-2008)
Unless a greater side yard is required by zoning district regulations, on corner lots, the side yard on the street shall be the same as the requirement for the front, except on corner lots adjacent to a segment of side street upon which no property fronts, said segment being defined as that portion of a street between one street intersection and the next, the minimum side yard shall be 20 feet or the same as the depth of front building setback, whichever is less. This regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot of record at the time of passage of this chapter to less than 20 feet.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-60)