   (A)   Purpose. District E-3 is intended to provide for a variety of commercial uses which are typically displayed for sale outdoors, excluding new and used car sales. These uses typically require an extensive amount of land and, because of the heavy commercial nature, are not compatible with residential uses.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Business services and merchandise displayed or sold in an unenclosed or incompletely enclosed area;
      (2)   Travel trailer, camper, motor home and boat sales and service, lease or rental;
      (3)   Plant nursery and greenhouses;
      (4)   Lumber yards;
      (5)   Mobile home sales, storage or repair, lease and rental; and
      (6)   Equipment and vehicle rental.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses; and
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
30 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
12 feet
Minimum front yard
25 feet
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
80 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
10 feet
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
Minimum side yard
10 feet
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
   If adjacent to street
25 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-34)
   (A)   Purpose. District E-4 is intended to provide for the limited warehousing and storage of goods and materials. This is not an industrial district; therefore, the land area and buildings are to be limited in size.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Miniwarehouses; and
      (2)   Warehousing completely within an enclosed building.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
      (5)   Retail sales, if incidental to the principal use.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
30 feet
Maximum lot area
3 acres
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Minimum distance between detached structures
12 feet
Minimum front yard
25 feet
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth feet
100 feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet
Minimum rear yard
15 feet
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
Minimum side yard
10 feet
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
   If adjacent to street
25 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-35) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
   (A)   Purpose. Limited general business district is intended to provide limited retail and commercial services to serve the overall need of the area. This is transitional land use district which excludes high volume uses such as hotels, large grocery stores, restaurants, taverns, night clubs and other uses that typically will have large numbers of customers that will congregate on the premises.
   (B)   Principal uses. Convenience stores/gas stations, small retail, any uses under D (Neighborhood Services), IBD (Industrial Business District) and E-4 (Commercial Warehouse).
   (C)   Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-36) (Ord. 06-23, passed 6-7-2006; Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
   (A)   Purpose. District F is intended to provide for light manufacturing, wholesale and warehousing operations in an enclosed area. These uses are not of the variety to emit excessive noise, vibration, smoke or odor.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the E-4 (Commercial Warehouse) District subject to the regulations of District F;
      (2)   Any manufacturing, research, wholesale or warehouse operations which do not involve the primary production or storage of wood, metal or chemical products from raw materials; provided that, such uses shall be contained within an enclosed building;
      (3)   Testing laboratories; and
      (4)   Railroad facilities required to serve the district.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
      (5)   Outdoor storage incidental to the primary use; provided that, such storage shall be completely encompassed by a solid screening wall or fence of at least six feet in height; and, provided that, materials shall be stacked no higher than one foot below the wall or fence.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
50 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
30 feet
Minimum front yard
30 feet
Minimum lot area
15,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
30 feet
Minimum side yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
30 feet
   If adjacent to street
30 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry, exclusive of doors, windows and window walls, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-38) (Ord. 08-43, passed 12-3-2008)
   (A)   Purpose. District F-1 is intended to provide for light industrial uses which are predominately operated outdoors. Because of the potential visual and noise impacts of the uses permitted in this district, additional buffering may be required for protection of adjacent areas.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the F (Light Industrial) District subject to the regulations of District F-1;
      (2)   Motor freight terminals;
      (3)   Trucking terminals;
      (4)   Railway freight terminals;
      (5)   Outdoor storage of sand, gravel, rock or earth;
      (6)   Outdoor storage of industrial equipment or supplies; and
      (7)   Sales, rental and storage of heavy load vehicles, tractor trailers, cranes, bulldozers or similar equipment.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises; and
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
50 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
30 feet
Minimum front yard
30 feet
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
30 feet
Minimum side yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
30 feet
   If adjacent to street
30 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry, exclusive of doors, windows and window walls, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-40) (Ord. 08-43, passed 12-3-2008)
   (A)   Purpose. District P-I is intended to provide for high performance, non-hazardous industries with properly proportioned and landscaped open spaces, controlled design of plant exteriors and screening of loading and storage facilities. A minimum of 15% of the area shall be landscaped.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Research and development facilities and laboratories;
      (2)   Instrument and component manufacturing facilities;
      (3)   Apparel manufacturing facilities;
      (4)   Transportation component manufacturing facilities;
      (5)   Printing and allied products facilities;
      (6)   Electrical machine manufacturing facilities;
      (7)   Offices equipment and supplies manufacturing facilities;
      (8)   Medical and pharmaceutical supplies manufacturing;
      (9)   Offices; and
      (10)   Warehousing within a totally enclosed facility.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses; and
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
55 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Minimum distance between detached structures
30 feet
Minimum front yard
40 feet
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
25 feet or equal to the height of the building facing the rear yard, whichever is greater
Minimum side yard
25 feet or equal to the height of the building facing the side yard, whichever is greater
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Building regulations. Each exterior facade elevation for all floors shall consist of a minimum of 80% brick, stone or masonry exclusive of doors, windows and window walls unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board (reference § 160.087 of this chapter).
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-41) (Ord. 06-42, passed 12-6-2006)
   (A)   Purpose. District G is intended to accommodate limited heavy commercial and industrial uses which utilize port and shore areas. Consideration should be given to the potential impact of these uses on adjacent areas.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Docks;
      (2)   Loading and unloading facilities (rail and water);
      (3)   Marine ways;
      (4)   Piers;
      (5)   Slips;
      (6)   Warehouses; and
      (7)   Wharves.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal uses;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises; and
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
75 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
15 feet
Minimum front yard
25 feet
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot depth
Minimum lot width
Minimum rear yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
Minimum side yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
   If adjacent to street
25 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal coastal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-42)
   (A)   Purpose. District G-2 is intended to provide for recreational and tourism type uses which utilize the city’s waterfront and the dike. This district is not designed to accommodate industrial uses.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Piers;
      (2)   Slips;
      (3)   Recreational boat rental and storage;
      (4)   Restaurants;
      (5)   Marinas;
      (6)   Retail sales, totally within an enclosed building; and
      (7)   Yachts.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal uses;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
      (5)   Gasoline sales as an accessory to a principal use.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
30 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
15 feet
Minimum front yard
25 feet
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
80 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
Minimum side yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
25 feet
   If adjacent to street
25 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal coastal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-43) (Ord. 16-18, passed 6-1-2016)
   (A)   Purpose. IBD is located adjacent and north of the heavy industrial complex south of FM 1765. It is intended to promote high quality light industrial development that provides services dependent and complimentary to the adjacent heavy industrial complex. It is recognized that certain special standards relative to land use, setbacks, signage and the like are appropriate for the area.
   (B)   Principal uses. Equipment storage and rental, outdoor storage and lay down yards, fabrication shops, warehousing, material and supply sales, office and parking.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Impervious cover not to exceed 50% which will be landscaped in accordance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-44) (Ord. 06-24, passed 6-7-2006)
   (A)   Principal uses allowed are: D, O-P, E, E-4, F, F-1, PI, G, G-2. (Residential housing when and where appropriate may be allowed. Must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and obtain Planning Board, zoning and City Commission approval.)
   (B)   Impervious cover not to exceed 85% with the remaining area to be landscaped in accordance with § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (C)   Area and height regulations:
Maximum height
75 feet
   If proposed use is adjacent to property with a residential dwelling the maximum height of structure
35 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Maximum lot covers by structures, driveways and parking
Minimum distance between detached structures
30 feet
Minimum front yard
40 feet
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum lot width
80 feet
Minimum rear yard
40 feet if adjacent to residential property
Minimum side yard
10 feet
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential use
70 feet
   If adjacent to street
50 feet
   (E)   Fences, walls, berms and/or heavy landscape and foliage may be used for screening if property adjacent or in near proximity to existing residents. The design and amount of screening will be determined based on proposed activity, distance to residents and density of residents.
   (F)   Landscape requirements at 15% of area to be developed.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-45) (Ord. 08-05, passed 1-16-2008)
   (A)   Purpose. District H is intended to provide for the development of intensive industrial and manufacturing activities. The noise, smoke, odor, vibration and/or traffic typically generated by these uses require adequate buffering from adjacent areas with particular emphasis on nearby residential areas. The permitted uses are considered to be the least compatible with other uses within the community.
   (B)   Principal uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the F (Light Industrial), F-1 (Outdoor Industrial) and G (Waterfront) Districts, subject to the regulations of District H;
      (2)   The manufacturing, processing, distributing and/or storage of any material or product from processed or raw materials including, but not limited to, chemicals, petrochemicals or mineral extracts;
      (3)   Shipyards;
      (4)   Railroad and railway facilities; and
      (5)   Any other manufacturing, industrial or storage use not now or hereafter prohibited by this chapter or any other ordinance of the city.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Paved automobile parking lots incidental to the principal use;
      (2)   Other uses which are subordinate to and incidental to the principal use;
      (3)   Signs advertising services provided on the same premises;
      (4)   Office space used in conjunction with a principal use; and
      (5)   Laboratories and shops incidental to the principal use.
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
Maximum height
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
75 feet
Maximum lot coverage by structures, driveways and parking
Maximum lot coverage by structures
Minimum distance between detached structures
20 feet
Minimum front yard
50 feet
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot depth
100 feet
Minimum lot width
100 feet
Minimum rear yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
50 feet
Minimum side yard
   If adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses
50 feet
   If adjacent to street
50 feet
   (E)   Parking requirements. Off-street parking in this district shall be provided in accordance with § 160.081 of this chapter.
   (F)   Screening requirements. Screening in accordance with § 160.084 of this chapter is required along side and rear lot lines when these lot lines are adjacent to any district zoned for residential uses.
   (G)   Landscape requirements. See § 160.088 of this chapter.
   (H)   Special conditions. All development shall also be subject to any other city, state or federal regulations.
(1998 Code, App. A, § 40-46)