General Provisions
51.001 Definitions
51.002 Disposition of funds
51.003 Tampering with or damaging works prohibited
51.004 Violations
51.005 Powers and authority of inspectors
51.006 Village Administrator to make rules; appeals
Use of Public Sewers
51.015 Allowable discharge of unpolluted water
51.016 Authority for control of wastewater discharges
51.017 Connection with sewer required
51.018 Discharge of untreated wastes to any natural outlet
51.019 Discharge of wastes to storm sewers
51.020 Grease and oil interceptors
51.021 Ground garbage
51.022 Industrial agreements
51.023 Maintenance of pretreatment facilities
51.024 Privies, privy vaults, septic tanks, cesspools prohibited; exception
51.025 Prohibition on unpolluted water
51.026 Sewer pipe ventilation
51.027 Storm and surface waters
51.028 Substances limited
51.029 Substances prohibited
51.030 Toilet facilities and connections required
51.031 When preliminary treatment required
Control of Industrial Wastes
51.045 Analyses
51.046 Control manholes
51.047 Extension of time
51.048 Flow measurement, sampling and monitoring
51.049 Inadmissible wastes
51.050 Normal concentrations of wastes
51.051 Oil and grease
51.052 Pollutants in excess of normal concentrations
51.053 Segregation of clean and polluted water
51.054 Submission of basic data
51.055 Temperature control
51.056 Toxic materials
51.057 Wastewater harmful to wastewater facilities
51.058 Wastewater volume determination
Design of Public Sewers
51.070 Approval
51.071 Connection to public sewer
51.072 Depth, grade, alignment and change of direction
51.073 EPA standard applies
51.074 Independent sewers required; exception
51.075 Laterals
51.076 Lifting sewage by artificial means
51.077 Removal of sewer by village; charges a lien
51.078 Trap required
51.079 Type of pipe required
51.080 Use of old sewer for new buildings
Construction of Public Sewers and Building Sewers
51.095 Abandoned laterals
51.096 Barricades and warning lights; restoration
51.097 Installation
51.098 Owner to pay costs, indemnify village for damages
51.099 Permit required
51.100 Submission of plans
Inspection of Public Sewers and Building Sewers
51.115 Applicant to notify when work ready for inspection and connection
51.116 Classes of permits; application and fee
51.117 Inspection of existing facilities
51.118 Inspection of new laterals
51.119 Notification
Private Sewers and Sewage Disposal
51.135 Conflict with requirements of Health Officer
51.136 Connection to public sewer required when available
51.137 General conditions
51.138 Health district recommendations; subsurface soil absorption; discharge to public sewer or natural outlet
51.139 Owner’s responsibility
51.140 Permit required; application and fee
51.141 Required improvements
51.142 Sanitary operation and maintenance
Revenue Schedule
51.155 Declaration of necessity
51.156 Sewer Revenue Fund; uses
51.157 User charges; wastes of normal concentration
51.158 Debt service charges; wastes of normal concentration
51.159 Extra strength surcharges (for user charges and debt service charges)
51.160 Industrial cost recovery surcharge
51.161 Wastewater collection and treatment rates
51.162 Method of payment
51.163 Charges a lien
51.164 Measurement and determination of water used
51.165 Fire hydrants exempted
51.166 Effective date of charges
51.167 Method of collecting charges
51.168 Exemption of sewer charge on initial filling of swimming pools
Service Extension Outside the Village
51.180 Cost of material and labor
51.181 General conditions
51.182 Rates and charges
51.999 Penalty
Adjustments to utility bill policy and procedure, see § 36.08