Fees and Charges
52.01 Rate structure
52.02 Method of payment
52.03 Disconnection of service
52.04 Charges a lien
52.05 Disconnection/reconnection fee
52.06 New connection
52.07 New accounts
52.08 Service outside the village limits
52.09 Reserved
52.10 Submission of plans
52.11 Savings clause
52.12 Fire hydrant meter deposit charges
General Regulations
52.20 Mandatory connection
52.21 Permit required
52.22 Maintenance of service lines
52.23 Cross-connection
52.24 Construction of water mains; submission of plans
52.25 Use of old water lines for new buildings
52.26 Determination of water used
52.27 Owner to pay costs, indemnify village for damages
52.28 Powers of the Village Administrator
52.29 Tampering
52.30 Outdoor use meters
Backflow Prevention
52.40 Surveys and investigations
52.41 Backflow prevention devices to be installed
52.42 Right of entry of Superintendent; information to be furnished
52.43 Discontinuance of service for violation
52.44 Individual fixture devices or air gaps
52.99 Penalty
Adjustments to utility bill policy and procedure, see § 36.08