(A)   The village may extend sewer services to premises outside of the village limits according to the following provisions:
      (1)   (a)   If said property is contiguous to the village, properties must be annexed to the village prior to extension of service, whether or not a sewer line is accessible to their premises; or
         (b)   With approval of Village Council, if said property is contiguous to the village, the property owner agrees to file for annexation of said property at the property owner’s expense as soon as legally possible and pursue all appeals relative to said annexation; and enter into an agreement with the village which sets forth terms for extension of service. Said agreement shall be recorded in the land records of the County Recorder. No connection to said system shall be allowed until said annexation petition is filed. For this provision to apply, a three-fourths affirmative vote of Council is necessary.
      (2)   If annexation is not legally possible, sewer service may be extended upon the execution of an agreement between the village and the property owner(s) that they will petition for annexation, at their expense, as soon as legally possible. Such agreement will be recorded in the land records of the County Recorder and bind the successors in interest to owners’ property.
      (3)   If a main sewer line exists accessible to owners’ property, the village may charge, in addition to the tap-in fee and any extraordinary costs to access such main line (i.e., road bore), that property’s proportionate share of the main sewer line installation, if not already paid, together with a reasonable amount of interest from the date the village paid for the project.
      (4)   If a main sewer line is not accessible to a property desiring sewer service, the village may extend a main sewer line and allocate all costs of same to the abutting property owners. If payment arrangements are not made prior to installation of the main sewer line, no property owner shall be permitted to access such main sewer line until his or her proportionate share of the cost of the main line is paid, together with a reasonable amount of interest from the date of payment by the village, and the requirements of either division (A)(1) or (A)(2) above, are satisfied.
   (B)   For any extension to premises outside of the village limits not already served, a two-thirds affirmative vote of Council is necessary prior to extension of service.
(Ord. 78-4, passed 2-13-1978; Ord. 92-20, passed 9-28-1992; Ord. 95-9, passed 3-27-1995; Ord. 97-31, passed 11-10-1997; Ord. 2000-40, passed 1-22-2001)