For the purposes provided in § 51.156 and this section, there is hereby levied and charged upon each lot, parcel of land or premises having an active connection with the system or otherwise discharging sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the village system, sewage charges computed, and in an amount determinable as follows.
   (A)   Wherever more than one family unit or more than one business professional or commercial establishment or a combination of one or more family units, business, professional or commercial establishments are supplied by one water meter, then the sewer rental rate shall be applied to each family, business, professional or commercial establishment in the same manner as though a separate water service and meter supplied each family or each business, professional or commercial establishment. This section shall include, but shall not be limited to, mobile homes. The largest charge will be applied to each family, business, professional or commercial establishment before the next lower rate is applied in determining the sewer rental rate.
   (B)   The sewage rental charge shall be paid monthly according to the billing procedure established from time to time by the Village Council.
   (C)   The foregoing rates shall be considered net charges for sewer service if paid within a period of 20 days next following the date of billing. If paid after such 20-day period, the applicable charges shall be at the gross rate which shall be 10% greater than the net charge.
   (D)   With respect to any such premises situated outside of the corporate limits of the village, which premises now or hereafter has active connections with the system pursuant to authorization of the Village Council, the charges shall be the same as the charges for service inside the corporate limits, plus a surcharge in addition thereto equal to 100% of such or gross charges.
   (E)   There is hereby established a turn-on and shutoff charge of $10 per occurrence.
   (F)   The Village Council shall establish from time to time a charge for new or additional taps into sewerage system.
   (G)   Each classification of service of the sewerage system as established by the Village Council shall be charged the minimum charge and any and all other charges over and above such minimum charge as are applicable under § 51.161.
(Ord. 78-4, passed 2-13-1978; Ord. 80-26, passed - -; Ord. 83-34, passed - -; Ord. 92-20, passed 9-28-1992)