General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
Use of Public Sewers Required
   52.015   Required use of sewer
   52.016   Unlawful connection to storm sewer
   52.017   Unlawful deposit of wastes
   52.018   Unlawful discharge into natural outlet
   52.019   Unlawful construction of privy
   52.020   When private system allowed
   52.021   When sewers become available
   52.022   Operation of private system
   52.023   Additional requirements
Building Sewers and Connections
   52.035   Unauthorized tampering
   52.036   Classes of permits
   52.037   Construction costs
   52.038   Separate sewers
   52.039   Use of old sewers
   52.040   Fitting types and joints and connections
   52.041   Slope and size of sewer
   52.042   Notification for inspection
   52.043   Inspection
   52.044   Gravity flow
   52.045   Connection at sewer
   52.046   Barricades
   52.047   Building sewer permit
   52.048   Responsibility of maintenance
Restrictions on the Use of Public Sewers
   52.060   Discharges restricted
   52.061   Discharges of unpolluted drainage
   52.062   Prohibited discharges
   52.063   Industrial user cost recovery system
   52.064   Discharges; determination of acceptance
   52.065   Action by village on prohibited discharges
   52.066   Interceptors provided
   52.067   Maintenance required at facilities
   52.068   Manhole required
   52.069   Measurements, tests and analyses
   52.070   Determining regulations on measurements, tests and analyses
   52.071   Special agreements
   52.072   Protection from damage
Wastewater Service Charges
   52.085   Basis for wastewater service charges
   52.086   Measurement of flow
   52.087   Basic service charge
   52.088   Basic user charge
   52.089   Surcharge rate
   52.090   Computation of surcharge
   52.091   Computation of wastewater service charge
   52.092   Septic system sludge
   52.093   Wastewater service charges for non-residents
Sewer Regulations
   52.110   Private water system
   52.111   Multiple units served by single meter
   52.112   Deductions for water not entering sewer
   52.113   Authority to deduct
   52.114   Application for meter
   52.115   Owner-occupant liability
   52.116   Non-payment
   52.117   Lien rights and collection
   52.118   Water service discontinued
   52.119   Service discontinued
   52.120   Sewer Billing
   52.121   Accounts
   52.122   Notice of rates
   52.123   Access to records
   52.135   Notice of violation
   52.136   Liability
   52.999   Penalty