The village’s wastewater treatment plant shall accept for appropriate treatment or disposal, any septic system sludge generated by any private residence within the village, or within any other unit of local government within the county, which is not served by its own wastewater treatment facility, in accordance with the following.
   (A)   Payment shall be made in the form of a check payable to the village, at the time such sludge is accepted at the wastewater treatment plant.
   (B)   The charge for such treatment and disposal shall be at a rate of $0.03 per gallon, based upon the maximum capacity in gallons of the tank used to transport said sludge to the plant, whether said tank is completely or partially full.
   (C)   The minimum charge for such treatment and disposal shall be $50.
   (D)   The company transporting sludge to the village’s wastewater treatment plant for treatment and disposal, shall provide written certification that said sludge was generated by a private residence, and provide the address of that residence, noting whether it is within the village or within another unit of local government in the county which does not provide its own wastewater.
(Prior Code, § 6-1109)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 415 ILCS 5/12.3