150.01 Policy statement
150.02 Scope
150.03 Definitions
150.04 Exempt signs
150.05 Prohibited signs
150.06 Sign proximity to N.C. 184 and N.C. 105
150.07 Residential signs
150.08 Multi-family complex signs
150.09 Private informational signs
150.10 Temporary signs
150.11 Off-premises directional signs
150.12 Semi-temporary signs or construction signs
150.13 Material and style
150.14 Lighting
150.15 Location
150.16 Maintenance of signs
150.17 Obsolete or abandoned signs
150.18 Nonconforming signs
150.19 Sign permit
150.20 Political signs
150.21 Undefined signs prohibited
150.22 Notice of violation
150.99 Penalty