(A)   Temporary sign requirements. Temporary signs, as defined by § 150.03, are permitted on the premises of a commercial use, provided a sign permit is obtained and the sign conforms to the following.
      (1)   The size of a temporary sign shall not exceed 32 square feet per sign face, with no more than two faces per sign.
      (2)   One temporary sign is permitted per business.
      (3)   The temporary signs may be permitted for a maximum period of 90 days per calendar year.
   (B)   Special “sale” signs. The intent of this section is to allow for the occasional display of temporary retail sale signs.
      (1)   Limited to four sales per year, plus one per calendar quarter, starting January 1 each year.
      (2)   Sales shall be limited to the following list of federal holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
      (3)   Signs must meet all requirements of division (A) above and all other applicable requirements of this chapter.
(Prior Code, Ch. 8 § 810)