(a) Commercial recreation facility;
(b) Day or summer camp;
(c) Rifle and pistol range; trap shoot;
(d) Cemetery;
(e) Fairgrounds;
(f) Rock, sand and gravel extraction in conformance with § 158.280;
(g) A single-family dwelling to be used as a caretaker’s quarters on a parcel which is not a lot of record provided:
(1) The deed to the land or the agreement to convey the parcel was recorded with the register of deeds prior to August 3, 1995;
(2) The building site is not in the 100-year floodplain as identified on the flood insurance rate map;
(3) There are no other dwellings located on the parcel, except a parcel of 80 acres or more shall have building eligibility determined as follows:
A. The acreage of the parcel shall be divided by 40 acres. The resulting whole number minus the number of existing dwellings on the parcel shall represent the building eligibility; and
B. Each building site shall consist of a minimum of one acre.
(4) The building site shall not conflict with other existing or potential land use activities or the prevailing pattern of development;
(5) The soil conditions are acceptable for a building site; and
(6) Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road.
(h) Broadcast tower;
(i) The transfer of a building eligibility from one parcel to another parcel when all the following conditions are met:
(1) The transfer of a building eligibility shall occur only between contiguous parcels under the same ownership;
(2) Suitability as a building site based on the following factors:
A. Agricultural productivity of the soil;
B. Soil limitations; and
C. Orientation of the building site(s) with respect to road circulation and access to public rights-of-way.
(3) The minimum lot size shall be one acre but a larger area may be required when soil conditions warrant;
(4) The building site is not in the 100-year floodplain as identified on the flood insurance rate map;
(5) The parcel from which the building eligibility is transferred shall continue as agricultural land or remain in its present use; and
(6) Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 12.04) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
(a) The maximum height and minimum lot requirements within the RC recreation/conservation district shall be as follows.
(b) General requirements.
Front yard | 30 feet** |
Lot area | 1 acre* |
Lot width | 125 feet |
Maximum height | 35 feet*** |
Rear yard | 30 feet |
Side yard | 7 feet |
* Unless a larger lot size is required by the granting of a conditional use permit. | |
** The front yard on a major arterial street or section line road shall be 50 feet. | |
*** There shall be no height limit for accessory farm structures or wind energy conversion systems except in the airport approach zone. | |
(1992 Code, App. F, § 12.08) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
(a) It is the intent of this district to provide flexibility from conventional zoning regulations with increased public review for PD planned development district projects in order to:
(1) Encourage well-planned, efficient development;
(2) Allow a planned and coordinated mix of land uses which are compatible and are harmonious, but previously discouraged by conventional zoning procedures;
(3) Encourage the redevelopment of contiguous large lot parcels into an integrated and orderly subdivision pattern, with particular attention to developing an efficient and coordinated network of internal streets;
(4) Promote the clustering of residential structures and other uses without increasing overall density of the development area in order to preserve unique and natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, natural drainage systems and scenic areas;
(5) Protect sensitive areas and areas with restrictive soil conditions within development areas through clustering of uses on land more suited for building;
(6) Reserve adequate public right-of-way within development areas for the eventual extension of arterial and collector streets, including proper width and spacing of the streets;
(7) Improve communication and cooperation among the county, townships, land developers and interested residents in the development of agricultural land and redevelopment of existing areas; and
(8) Development shall coincide with completion of proper municipal and utility improvements.
(b) It is not the intent of the PD planned development district to accommodate or encourage the development of isolated small tracts where adjoining parcels are not considered within an overall development scheme.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 13.01) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)