(a) Prior to construction on any lots in the planned development zoning district, the petitioner shall present a final development plan to the planning commissions for their approval.
(b) The final development plan shall show the following information:
(1) The subdivision name, the legal description and the individual project name (if any);
(2) Boundaries of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval superimposed on the map of the initial development plan;
(3) A subdivision plat of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval;
(4) A copy of the written covenants, if any, which petitioner proposes to impose upon all or any area within the district;
(5) A scale drawing showing the following information will be required for everything except single-family detached dwelling subareas:
A. Size and location of proposed structures including height and number of units;
B. Calculated floor area for each structure and a generic listing of the uses within the structure;
C. Off-street parking lot arrangement designating all parking spaces, off-street loading spaces and any outdoor trash container spaces;
D. Any sidewalks, bikeways or other paths;
E. Landscaping plans showing the type and location of any walls or fences, the placement, size and species of any trees or shrubs and berms in areas that will be sod or seeded;
F. All existing and proposed utilities, drainageways, watercourses and location of aboveground existing utilities on adjacent property;
G. Proposed final ground contours;
H. Drainage plan;
I. Existing and proposed uses adjacent to the area;
J. Documentation of the ownership and maintenance responsibility of any common open spaces, structures or facilities including private streets;
K. Any subareas proposed for multiple residential development will be required to provide an open area for recreation. The open spaces shall not be included in any required yard, but shall be located in the same subarea it is intended to serve;
M. Proposed on-site wastewater systems and facilities; and
N. Unless otherwise specified on the final development plan, all development standards shall be the same as those set forth in the traditional zoning districts, which shall be referenced for each subarea as a part of the final development plan. For example: townhouses on Block X shall be developed in conformance with the requirements of the RD residential district.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 13.04) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
(a) Major amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered major amendments:
(1) Any change in the proposed land uses;
(2) Any major change in the street pattern;
(3) An increase in density above that provided for in division (b)(5) below;
(4) Any major change in proposed landscaping; and
(5) Any major change in signage.
(b) Minor amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered minor amendments:
(1) Any adjustment in the size or shape of the building envelope (increasing the height or reducing the building setback);
(2) Major decrease in density;
(3) Any decrease in the size of required open areas;
(4) A minor change in the street pattern;
(5) Any increase in density of a subarea:
A. Less than 25% for a subarea with less than eight units;
B. Less than 15% for a subarea with between nine and 20 units; and
C. Less than 8% for a subarea with 21 units or more.
(6) Any change in the number of parking spaces;
(7) Any minor change in proposed landscaping; and
(8) Any minor change in signage.
(c) Minimal amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered minimal amendments:
(1) Any adjustment of a building within a previously established building envelope;
(2) A minor reduction in density;
(3) Any minimal change in landscaping; and
(4) Any minimal change in signage.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 13.05) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
(a) This district is intended to preserve the quality and quantity of the area’s water resources so as to ensure a safe and adequate supply of drinking water for present and future generations. Restrictions shall apply to land use activities which have the potential to contaminate water resources, including aquifers and wellhead sites currently in use and those having the potential for future use as a public water supply.
(b) The purpose of these regulations is to prohibit certain uses which pose the greatest threat to groundwater contamination and to impose reasonable and adequate safeguards on other uses which exhibit a potential to contaminate the groundwater.
(c) The water source protection overlay district is an overlay whose boundaries are superimposed on all districts established by this chapter. It is not intended that these regulations interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other rules or regulations of this chapter, except that if the water source protection overlay district imposes a greater restriction than the underlying zoning district regulations, they shall control.
(d) Additional regulations governing land use within water source protection areas may be found within the special flood hazard area ordinance adopted by the Lincoln County Commission.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 14.01) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
The boundaries of the water source protection overlay district are shown upon the maps which have been made a part hereof by reference. The maps shall be signed by the chairperson of the board of county commissioners and the Sioux Falls mayor and filed with the Lincoln County auditor and Sioux Falls city clerk. The maps shall have the same force and effect as if they were all fully set forth herein.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 14.02) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
A conditional use permit shall be required for any use which involves the storage and/or use of a regulated substance as defined by this chapter. All available practical methods of preventing and controlling the contamination of groundwater from waste and other contaminants shall be employed.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 14.03) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)