The city and all of its contracting agencies, departments, and units shall include in all contracts entered into or renewed or extended provisions whereby each other contracting party agrees that:
(a) With respect to any and all business conducted or acts performed pursuant to the contract, the other contracting party shall be deemed an employer within the meaning of this chapter and shall be subject to the provisions of this subchapter;
(b) If the other contracting party fails to perform the contractual provisions, the contract may forthwith be terminated and cancelled in whole or in part by the city, and the other contracting party shall be liable for any costs or expense incurred by it in obtaining from other sources the work and services to be rendered or performed or the goods or properties to be furnished or delivered to the city under the contract so terminated or cancelled;
(c) Should the commission on human relations in a proceeding brought as provided in this chapter find that the contracting party has engaged in discrimination in connection with any contract and issue a cease and desist order with respect thereto, the city shall withhold up to 15% of the contract price until a time as the commission’s order has been complied with or the other contracting party has been adjudicated not guilty of discrimination;
(d) Other contracting party will permit access to any and all records pertaining to hiring and employment and to other pertinent data and records for the purpose of enabling the commission on human relations, its agencies or representatives, to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this chapter applicable to the other contracting party; and
(e) This section shall be binding on all subcontractors or suppliers.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1804; 1972 Code, § 13-4; 1992 Code, § 21.5-4) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970)
All officials, commissioners, agents, employees and servants of the city, elected and appointed, including civil service employees, and whether serving with or without compensation, shall observe the terms and provisions of this chapter and shall, except as expressly prohibited by law, respond promptly to any and all requests by the commission on human relations for information and for access to data and records for the purpose of enabling the commission to carry out its responsibilities under this chapter. The failure of any official, commissioner, agent, employee or servant of the city to comply with any provision of this chapter relating to any matter within the scope of his or her official duties shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1805; 1972 Code, § 13-5; 1992 Code, § 21.5-5) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970)
For the purposes of employment, public accommodation, public service, and education or housing, good faith efforts shall be made to reasonably accommodate the disabled person unless the accommodation would impose undue hardship.
(1972 Code, § 13-6; 1992 Code, § 21.5-6) (Ord. 63-86, passed 6-23-1986)
There is hereby created a commission on human relations of the city for the purpose of carrying forward the policies of the city in the field of human relations, to promote civil rights and to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1806; 1972 Code, § 13-16; 1992 Code, § 21.5-16) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970)
The commission on human relations shall consists of 11 voting members. The chair of the disability awareness commission shall act as a non-voting member. Each member of the commission shall be a resident of the city.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1806; 1972 Code, § 13-17; 1992 Code, § 21.5-17) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970; Ord. 11-88, passed 2-8-1988; Ord. 90-88, passed 10-17-1988; Ord. 100-95, passed 7-17-1995; Ord. 26-99, passed 3-1-1999; Ord. 13-01, passed 2-12-2001)
The members of the commission on human relations shall be appointed by the mayor with due regard being given to representation of minorities on the commission.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1806; 1972 Code, § 13-18; 1992 Code, § 21.5-18) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970; Ord. 58-87, passed 7-27-1987; Ord. 153-95, passed 12-18-1995)
Members of the commission on human relations shall be appointed for five-year staggered terms to expire on May 1 of the fifth year of their terms and shall serve no more than two consecutive or partial terms of office.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1806; 1972 Code, § 13-19; 1992 Code, § 21.5-19) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970; Ord. 153-95, passed 12-18-1995)
Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the commission on human relations occasioned by resignation, death or removal shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner as provided for the original appointment.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1806; 1972 Code, § 13-21; 1992 Code, § 21.5-21) (Ord. 2700, passed 8-17-1970)